
Being Real

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In The Coolness of Being Real, Hooks encourages black men to pursue music as a healthy outlet for pain and suffering because it will ultimately instill hope. Hooks offers advice to black men who seeks to find true spiritual healing. She says, “any black male who dares to care for his inner life, for his soul, is already refusing to be a victim”. Hooks suggests that gangsta rap adopts this false, fake cool front and offers no spiritual nourishment. Today’s cool black male puts on a mask, refusing to find himself. She also uses people like B.B King and Louis Armstrong who turned their pain into gold by channeling what was inside them towards creating music that is beautiful, raw, and honest. King states: blues meant hope, excitement, pure emotion. …show more content…

It was comfortable and comforting for Sonny. Hook’s explains that black males have helped create the blues, more than any other music, as a music of resistance to the patriarchal notion that a real man should never express genuine feelings. Emotional awareness of real-life pain in black men’s lives was and is the heart and soul of the blues. Sonny’s pain was expressed through his music. All that he went through, and all that he felt came out through him playing jazz. Jazz was his way of escape. B.B King states: “We want to get ahead. But in pushing ahead, sometimes we resent the old forms of music. They represent a time we’d rather forget, a period of history where we suffered shame and humiliation. Makes no difference that the blues is an expression of anger against shame or humiliation. In the minds of many young blacks the blues stood for a time and place they’d outgrown.” I stand in agreement with Hooks; express your feelings! Music is what helps a lot of us get through hard times, and what better way to release all negative energy or hurt, pain, and misery than expressing yourself through the blues. To keep it real, being real about how you feel is what’s really cool; not being fake and hiding who you really are all to be accepted by

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