Do you ever have a feeling like the whole world is against you? Like you weren’t ever given a second chance. In the outcasts of poker flat that feeling is very well known. When you misbehave you don’t usually expect that consequence would be getting kicked out of your community and basically shunned but in this case the consequences of your action aren’t just a warning. What if one day you found out that you and 4 other people would soon be banished. How would you survive? Being basically shunned isn’t as unusual these days as we think it is. In the amish community if you do something “wrong” or against their rules you will also be shunned. Imagine having your whole family neglect you because you made a mistake. Another example is
Have you ever wondered about giving up your family because their annoying, or you want to “fit in”? Well in these two stories I chose they explain how giving up your family can potentially be dangerous.
The feeling of being excluded is considerably similar to being an outsider. With this difference in ideas, people can have barriers between them, causing a feeling of being an outsider to even people they are familiar
The leaders of the society do not allow there to be any friendships or family because they do not think any brother or sister should be loved to a greater extent than any other brother or sister.
Some families are critical of weight gain, academic or sporting accomplishments or are rigid and even abusive.
At some point in life, every individual has been treated like an outsider. It occurs
The expected behavior that ultra-Orthodox groups create is so strict and demanding that individuals who decide to leave are stigmatized and shunned by members
I had the opportunity to interview two good friends of my family, Brother and Sister Waddell. I mostly interviewed brother Waddell because he met the required aged for the interview. Brother Waddell was born on December 9, 1946, in Greenville South Carolina. When he was older he finished high school and then just the navy. He grew up in a small neighborhood where everyone knew each other. He would stay outside all day with his friend moving from one backyard to the next playing all kinds of game that they could imagine. He told me that having everyone know you was not always a good thing. Sometime, if they got into trouble, they would get punished by whose house they were at, and when they got home, he would get punished by his parents.
Every family has its quirks and odd traditions. Quite often there are conflicts or emergencies in families that can leave awkwardness behind. There can be a troubled child or an alcoholic parent, which causes other members of the family to act out. Many forms of abuse can also be classified as dysfunction in a family. In William Faulkner’s
Society is making some people feel uncomfortable to relate with others because of their weaknesses. Steinbeck gave an example in the book, Of Mice and Men, by using Crooks, who is a black man and is treated like a tool. People were using him like a tool because of his race. When Lennie went into Crook's room to see a puppy, Crooks told him, "Well, you got a right to have a light. You go on get outta my room, I ain't wanted in the bunkhouse and you ain't wanted in my room"(66). By saying, "You ain't wanted in my room", it tells us that although Lennie did not mean to do anything, the fact that Crooks has been told by his surrounding that he does not have rights to be with other people made him think that Lennie would get in trouble by being with him. He judged without knowing the Lennie's truth thoughts. As a result, when your race is not the same as other people in your community, it makes you think that you are a stranger, and an outsider, who you do not want to be talking with.
Public shunning is the act of persistently rejecting and ostracizing someone for their actions. It was a common occurrence during the Puritan times, and it affected the outcasts and the loved ones of the outcasts. Public shunning is a way to punish those who have sinned and have violated a community’s values. It has not always been as lenient as it is now. In the Puritan times, people were publicly humiliated in many ways. Some were branded, displayed on the scaffold, or simply paraded in front ot the town. The worse case for public shunning were executions in front of the whole town. In today's world, public shunning is not as harsh. It is now done by parading an outcasts’ face and sins everywhere in the world by the news and articles. One of the most recent broadcasted Shunnings is Jared Fogle.
No matter how people live, others will judge them. But no one knows all the dynamics. And no one needs to - I'm not going to dive into it all, but wanted to give you very basic insight. But, I wanted to tell you that during that meeting I notice the mood and the negativity. And, although, yes, I'm the busy chaotic mom that doesn't sign Emma's agenda every day, families are different. And, my long days are made up to my kids by our nightly time together and time over the weekends, etc. One snapshot in time doesn't tell anyone the
There are a lot of things that make an outcast ,and one of the main reasons is their danger. To begin Ame and Yuki would always howl and play. This shows the other people did not understand they were just kids, the only difference with them is that they were half wolf. This really intimidated the rest of society.Another thing is, people judge others harshly for the mistakes they make only because these mistakes could affect or harm them. For example Lennie in Of Mice And Men killed Curley's wife. When
For if a man or a woman goes outside their roles of society they are shunned by society and in order to maintain a ‘normal’ life, people hide away their feelings.
My working hypothesis is that all the family members in their own positions, internalizing the dominant culture narratives are rejecting themselves and blaming other family members.
Ostracism, being ignored by peer groups is another form or rejection adolescents suffer from. Students who are shy or do not share similar interests with other students are often ignored. In some cases individuals are ignored on purpose and are excluded intentionally from social activities. The shooters in Littleton, Colorado’s Columbine shooting were targets of ostracism