
Belly Flop Research Paper

Decent Essays

Our results show that doing a belly flop would cause the most harm to a person who is diving into a pool of water. This is based off of the greater speed that a person belly flops into the water (8.3 m/s2), which is more than both head first diving (7.73 m/s2) and rotating into the water (7.34 m/s2). Also, the amount of force that the water exerts on the body while doing a belly flop (1079 N) is greater than the amount of force the water exerts on the body while head first diving (1004.95 N) and rotating into the water (954.2 N). It takes approximately 3,300 N to crack bones, such as a rib and approximately 4,000 n to fracture a femur (Choi,C). This means that the excessive amounts of force have the power to breaks bones and the greater the

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