
Ben Carson Flaws

Decent Essays

Dr. Ben Carson is the best candidate for the United States of America. His plans for fixing America are greater than all of the other candidates. Carson’s plans will fix all of the problems started by Obama over the last few years. The mistakes that Obama made will not happen under his leadership. He is campaigning during a difficult time for the United States, but he won’t give up on his goal of fixing America. Ben Carson is focussed on multiple key issues. One of these issues is the nation’s debt. He is the only candidate that is taking this issue seriously. He plans on ratifying a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution in order to restore control over the federal government's budget (Carson, Balanced Budget Amendment). The …show more content…

The government is deciding what is going on in all public school systems. Ben Carson’s article on education says that he is planning on getting rid of Common Core and restoring education to “local control”. He wants the federal government to stay away from the education systems. Parents and teachers need to have control over the schools. Carson’s plans on fixing education will make learning easier and more effective for decades to come. The current healthcare system is a failure. ObamaCare was a waste of money and millions of Americans still do not have any health insurance. Ben Carson will strengthen the weakened healthcare system in America. Carson supports Health Savings Accounts which lets American families make their own decisions on medical treatment. Health Savings Accounts will lower the current costs on healthcare. The second amendment was established by our founding fathers for a reason. Our own safety and protection by use of firearms is our right as citizens of the United States of America. The right to bear arms is one of the characteristics that make America great. Some of the other presidential candidates are wanting to take that freedom away from the public. Ben Carson is not one of those ignorant candidates. Protecting this amendment is very important to him. The second amendment will not be messed with under Carson’s

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