
The Pros And Cons Of Ted Cruz's Presidency

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Ted Cruz for President in 2016:
The Top 5 Reasons Why He is the Best Candidate to take on the Democrats.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada in 1970, where his Cuban father was working at the time. But Cruz's mother was an American citizen, so under US immigration law, that made him an American citizen, too.
By L.A. Stephens MHA
Illustrations & Images provided by google free domain pictures
Copyright @ 2010 by King BOOKS

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Ted Cruz for President in 2016:
The Top 5 Reasons Why He is the Best Candidate to take on the Democrats.

Table of Contents:

1) Ted Cruz resonates with the average American more so that any current candidate running for the Presidency.
2) There are a good …show more content…

The real answer lies in the interpretation of the constitution by the founding father. Unfortunately, none are alive to ask.

Reason # 5
When he becomes president, he will be in the top 5 youngest president ever elected to office.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) after his speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., on March 23, 2015.

Ted Cruz game plan is to win over young voters, and part of that strategy, he said, is to use his sense of humor. This game plan is certainly feasible as 2 out of the last 3 president have been in the top 5 youngest presidents throughout our entire presidential history. Old and reliable, may not be the same mindset as voters had decades ago. The young middle age group is the working class, and certainly has the most to win or lose if they do not get out and vote.

Youngest U.S. Presidents
Courtesy of
(By age upon taking

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