
Benefits Of Year-Round Schools

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Year-Round Schools Think about what it is like not to have a summer. One cannot attend fun summer camps, go on once in a lifetime summer vacations, or get a fun summer job. If year-round schools are put into place everywhere, one would only have a thirty-day summer, or less, instead of a three- month summer. They will be hitting the books at school instead of lying out at the pool, relaxing, working a job, or just letting go of all the stress from the school year. Imagine never truly getting a break from school, to be in a continuous cycle with no end. Even though opponents may say the traditional school calendar leads students to forget more over the summer months, a year-round schedule should not put in place because of the initial higher …show more content…

Year-round programs just have longer breaks throughout the school year and a brief summer vacation (Glines 2699). There are two types of year-round schooling. The single-track program, when students and teachers follow the same schedule and have the same vacation periods. Then, there are multiple-track programs that can offer three to five different tracks. For example, A, B, and C are in school, while D is on vacation. When D returns from vacation, A goes on vacation (Glines 2699). The multiple-track schedule means some amount of students and teachers will always be in class. The most common break up for year-round schools is forty-five days on, and a fifteen-day break, but there are over thirty different possible calendar configurations one can use if thinking about switching to a year-round school (Glines …show more content…

About a fifth of the staff took less than ten vacation days off per year. That is very alarming because teachers need time off, just like students (Wildman et al.). Thenceforth, the teachers and staff could have more stress because they never truly get time off. Also, for most year-round schools, teachers only have two weeks or less, instead of two months, for planning the new school year. Which leads to the teachers never getting down time to relax throughout the year (Carter). There are many minor outcomes of a year-round school that can impact a school district, such as, “Family lifestyle preferences, disruption of summer recreation and camp programs, possible separation of families, assemblies at the school, and child care issues” (Glines 2701). Numerous family challenges can occur to anyone in a year-round school. If the family is in a community where there are year-round schools and traditional schedule schools, then their calendars will conflict with each other (Long). Parents can find it difficult to fit in time to relax, travel, or just spend time together as a family. Families, in turn, do not feel as close because of not getting to hang out as much (“Back to School?”). Also, childcare problems can occur because babysitters cannot always work during the frequent breaks students have throughout the year

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