
Benjamin Franklin Biography Essay

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Benjamin Franklin is most famous for flying the kite that getting struck by lightning. Experimenting with electricity is just one of the things he did if life, he did a whole lot more. The American Revolution and the new form of Federal Government are two different things he contributed to. Benjamin Franklin was many things in his life; an author, diplomat, American printer, philosopher, and scientist.
Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston in 1706 and had sixteen other siblings. He had some proper education but was primarily self-taught. He was taken out of school due to financial problems. Franklin had to go to work with his father making candles and soap.
Benjamin Franklin started working for his brother at the print shop around the age of …show more content…

The shop was a success because of all his hard work. After obtaining the printing rights to the newspaper Pennsylvania Gazette and making a lot of money, he bought out his partners to become the only owner of the newspaper. After he was elected clerk of the Pennsylvania assemble, he printed the laws of the Pennsylvania assemble and laws of the additional businesses that used his printing company. Being the postmaster of Pennsylvania helped him distribute his newspaper. He also established the first library for all of the citizens called Library Company of Philadelphia. The library also contained stuffed animals and fossils making it to some extend a scientific museum.
Benjamin Franklin was very successful at printing and publishing but he also was a great inventor and some of his inventions we still use today, such as the odometer, lightning rod and many other things. He also loved to experiment with electricity. Some people think that he invented it, but he didn’t.
Back then a stamp was only good for a certain number of miles so while serving as the postmaster, Franklin had to find a way to keep track of the mail delivery routes. He devised an odometer and attached it to his carriage wheel and this would measure the distance he traveled delivering mail. We still use odometers today in our vehicles to measure the distance we have

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