
Benjamin Franklin : The Achievements Of Benjamin Franklin's Life

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Everyone wants to become better, if that's in sports, academics, or everyday life, and we usually set goals to accomplish them. Most of the time, like when we set a new year's resolutions, our goal seems to far to reach, so we just give up, but this was not the case for Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston Massachusetts, and moved to philadelphia when he was seventeen years old. When he was in philadelphia, he decided he wanted to change himself for the better, so he wrote down some virtues. There was 13 virtues that Franklin though were crucial to becoming better. In Benjamin Franklin’s “Autobiography”, he had many ways of improving himself, but the virtues that had the biggest effects on him were temperance, order, and justice. In Franklin’s “Autobiography”, there are many effects of the virtue temperance. One might say, what is temperance, it is basically restraining from excess eating and drinking. In his “Autobiography” he states, “Thus, in the first week, my great guard was to avoid every the least offence against temperance” (143). How could this change Franklin's life? Temperance made it so Franklin did not have to focus so much on what he needed to intake, when we watch carefully what goes into our bodies, it will greatly affect, not only our physical body, but our attitude throughout the day. As Frances E. Willard states, “Temperance is moderation in the things that are good and total abstinence from the things that are foul”. Also,

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