
Why Is Benjamin Franklin Considered A Renaissance Man

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A man whose name will forever be remembered in not just American, but world history, Benjamin Franklin was the true embodiment of a Renaissance man. His accomplishments benefitted the course of social, political, and scientific progress in many countries, and his influence touched the lives of millions. In America especially, it is common to view him as the great leader who was forever dedicated to the revolution, or the man who lived and breathed American independence, or perhaps the wisest, most level-headed patriot America had seen. He indeed was a crucial asset to the American Revolution, and his dedication to the fight for recognized independence was clearly visible, both verbally and in his writings. He was even given the nickname of …show more content…

As a child growing up in the young city of Boston, Franklin was immediately recognized as a leader amongst his peers. He was fascinated with creating makeshift innovations that made every day tasks easier for him, and always thought in pragmatic and scientific terms. His father, Josiah Franklin, lead a humble life as a devout Puritan and tallow chandler after arriving to America with his wife. Yet he eventually found the business to be quite profitable and was able to become avidly involved in public virtue, benefiting his family exponentially. Franklin would later follow his father’s path of the pursuit of public virtue and private profit, which would lead him to an interest in politics.
His education and apprenticeships led him to an appreciation and love for writing. Josiah Franklin realized that his son would not be fit to be a clergyman due to his “skeptical, puckish, curious,” and “irrelevant” nature who was generally “cheeky not only about religion but also the wordiness in worship that was a hallmark of Puritan faith.” (Isaacson, Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, p. 19) His father gave up on preparing his son for Harvard because of financial reasons, and was instead to continue with apprenticeships and eventually become a printer. While some historians such as Arthur Tourtellot believe that his father’s choice saved him from losing his political zeal, stating “four years at Harvard might have been much less conductive to the

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