
Beowulf : The Role Of An Older Sister '

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We as humans face many challenges in our lives that either help make us or it breaks us. In Beowulf’s case through all that he had to endure he still came out with the victory. During his journey there were many things that tried to stop him from fulfilling his personal legend but he conquered them all. Even on the verge of death Beowulf still showed heroic characteristics. While Beowulf was faced with many obstacles and dragons, from the killing of beasts to the victory over the dragon, I too have faced my own issues as the role of an older sister, and my reputation as a person. Being classified as an older sister was one of the best things that happened to me. But with the title of being the oldest, comes a whole lot of responsibilities. There are many ups and downs I have to go through with my sisters. My sisters and I fight, then make-up, fight then make-up, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything because I know they need me and I need them. In the same since Beowulf had a very important role as well, to keep his people safe. These are some of the same things that I have to do as an older sister for example; helping them cross the street so that they don't get hit or even something so simple as making sure they eat when they get out of school. There is nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for my sisters, just like Hrothgar would do anything for Beowulf, “There will be nothing you’ll want for, no worldly goods that won’t be yours” (Heaney 948-9). Yes, sometimes it's hard

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