
Beowulf: The Traits Of An Epic Hero

Decent Essays

The traits of an epic hero are superhuman abilities, embarking on a journey that changes him forever, and displays/embodies values of society. The epic, Beowulf, begins centuries ago where a young Geat comes to the land of the Danes to kill the monster who terrorizes the Danish, Grendel. In the process of completing his task, Beowulf reveals that he is an epic hero with the traits to show for it. Beowulf can do things that are in no way possible for a normal human. The text says “for hours he sank through the waves.” (573) It is physically impossible for humans to survive being underwater for hours with only one breath. Modern day technology that does not exist in this epic is needed to be able to do what Beowulf is doing. “[Beowulf and Brecca] were too young to know better-that [they]’d risk [their] lives far out at sea, so [they] did.” (269-270) Beowulf swims across the ocean for days on end wearing a full suit of armor. This is in not possible in the sense that he had to have the strength and energy to stay above the ocean’s waves while swimming covered in heavy metal with no sleep or breaks to regain strength.

Beowulf’s journey begins on the day he was born. He once lived his life fighting monsters, gaining fame. One day, he found a new purpose, protecting his …show more content…

He’s nice, fair, and proud. “They said that of all the kings upon the earth, he was the man most gracious and fair-minded, kindest to his people, and keenest for fame.” (840-843) The people are describing Beowulf as everything they’ve ever wanted. They loved him as he loved them. As Beowulf is dying in the arms of Wiglaf, he tells him “I have bartered my last breath to own this fortune, it is up to you to look after their needs. I can hold out no longer.” (807-809) He has spent his life watching after the people of his kingdom and he wants their needs to be fulfilled even after he’s gone. He passes his duty onto Wiglaf to ensure his wish comes

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