
Best Buy Inc. : Managing Information Technology

Better Essays

Best Buy Inc.
Kavana Reddy
CIS 615 – Managing Information Technology

Best Buy Inc. is the largest consumer electronic retail store chain in the United States. Best Buy Inc. is now a multinational business, headquartered in Richfield, Minnesota, with many stores in United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. It was founded in 1966 as an audio specialty store by name “Sound of Music”. It was renamed in 1983 as “Best Buy” after the famous “Tornado Sale” in its Minnesota store. It was listed on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in 1987 and Standard and Poor (S&P) 500 in 1999. It was named “Company of the year” by Forbes magazine in 2004. Hubert Joly serves as the current CEO and the chairman of the company.
It had a thriving business model for several years. It sustained the 2008 economic crisis while its competitors like Circuit City and CompUSA went bankrupt. Best Buy has had a rough run since the beginning with ups and downs. However, Best Buy’s continued efforts to diversify its products targeting specific market segments are considered to be the key reason for the company avoiding the downfall that its competitors (Circuit City, CompUSA) faced during the economic crisis of 2007. (Fehr, 2010)
The rising influence of online shopping, provided by its current competitors like and GameStop, has put Best Buy in deep trouble. Best Buy’s physical stores have become a double-edged sword to the company acting as both a competitive

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