
Best Practice Active Directory Design for Managing Windows Networks

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Best Practice Active Directory Design for Managing Windows Networks
A structured approach to Active Directory design makes enterprise-scale directory service deployment straightforward and easy to understand. This guide combines business and technical guidance to minimize the time and effort required to implement the Active Directory directory service.

This guide provides a step-by-step methodology based on best practices learned from customers that have already deployed Active Directory in their organizations. It provides all the tasks and decisions you need to develop an Active Directory design to manage Windows networks. The intended audience for this guide is the IT professional responsible for testing, piloting, and rolling out an …show more content…

Some services that can be layered on Active directory are: • Group Policy • Exchange 2000 • Integrated public key infrastructure (PKI) services • Domain-based DFS

Special Considerations for Branch Office Deployments

Microsoft has identified a number of special considerations for deploying Active Directory in branch office environments. The characteristics of a branch office environment include:

• A large number of physical locations that need to contain replicas of Active Directory data. • A small number of users per location. • A hub and spoke network topology where many branch offices rely on connectivity to a centralized hub site for communications to other parts of the organization. • Slow network connectivity between the branch office locations and the hub site.

Because of the ramifications of these requirements, Microsoft has developed additional content focused on deploying Active Directory in branch office environments. The Active Directory Branch Office Planning Guide is available on-line at This content is designed to be used together with the Best Practice Active Directory Design for Managing Windows Networks guide as needed.

Special Considerations for Exchange 2000 Deployments

This guide will help you to design an Active Directory deployment that could host Exchange 2000. However, the

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