
Besty Devos Analysis

Decent Essays

On February 7, 2017 Besty DeVos was confirmed as the new Education Secretary under U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration. The Senate hearings to vote in DeVos were prolonged due to her lack of public school experience and her radical views. Teachers’ unions and apprehensive civilians, motivated by her inadequacy, protested at the U.S. Capitol Building and throughout the nation. Glenn McCoy’s February 13, 2017 Belleville News- Democrat “Trying to trash Betsy DeVos” cartoon draws upon one of Norman Rockwell’s famous paintings and portrays disgust towards DeVos. In the cartoon, DeVos walks in a navy-blue suit with symbols and writing all over the walls around her. She is surrounded by men showing her need for protection. A tomato splattered against the wall, and we can interpret the tomato was thrown and just missed her face. *reword* Next to the splatter mark of the tomato, there is an A with a circle around it which represents the …show more content…

Like Ruby, per Ralph Ellis’ CNN article on February 10, 2017 *what*“Protestors Block Betsy DeVos,” DeVos arrived at Jefferson Middle School Academy in opposition that turned her away from entering the school. *confused* Ruby was the symbol of desegregation in schools during that time. On the contrary, DeVos believes in funding charter schools, private schools, and voucher programs with money taken away from public education. She supports dividing schools and believes charter and private schools are superior to public schools. As shown in the cartoon by the tomato splatter on the wall, these beliefs have been met with

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