The Bhopal Plant
As previously stated, the Bhopal plant was responsible for the production of Carbaryl, otherwise known as Sevin which was released under the brand name Eveready. The plant itself aided Bhopal somewhat with attracting new people with the promise of jobs and fixing the inconsistent electricity supplied to the city. While the plant was initially very profitable, eventually the market changed, leaving the factory making a loss every year. The plant eventually stopped producing Sevin due to a large backlog of Methyl Isocyanate and little demand in the market for it[1]. Many of the safety features could have reduced the severity, or completely stopped the Bhopal Disaster altogether. However, with none of these active, very little stopped the Methyl Isocyanate cloud from descending upon Bhopal. In addition staff size was reduced below recommended levels, leaving very few workers on shifts with only a single supervisor[1]. Available positions would now be a less attractive prospect to workers, leading workers with fewer skills than previously to take up positions in the plant. Over 50 tons of Methyl Isocyanate in liquid form was stored in two tanks beneath the plants (though some workers claim that a 3rd reserve tank was in use too), and were kept there for several months.
This makes it exceedingly likely that much of the maintenance and security features were turned off to prevent losing money every year. The parent company likely ignored many safety suggestions
The first part of Toms River by Dan Fagin goes into detail about the history of the chemical industry in New Jersey with the Ciba plant producing dyes and epoxy and their methods of disposing of waste and what effect that had on surrounding individual’s health. There were many groups of people who were exposed to the toxic chemicals produced in the waste products of dyes and epoxy from the Ciba plant. People who were working the factory typically had peak exposure because they were required to scrape and dispose of the waste chemicals daily. Residents of a neighborhood downstream the factory who typically had personal wells and were not customers of Toms River Water avoided the chemically traced water directly from the river for some time,
There is certainly not enough space to examine all twelve stories presented in Lerner’s book in this paper, and they are all shocking—both in terms of the level of exposure to toxic chemicals and the questionable choices of corporate and government officials—but a few stories stand out.
The boilers had already not been in good shape plus the pressure of about 2 thousand more people that there were supposed to be boarded on that boat. The boat at to stop a couple times to fix the boilers and almost every stop they pick up more people.The Sultana was made for 376 people, at the times about 2,300 people were boarded on that boat. Before the explosion they had to stop 2 to 3 times just to fix the boiler and the last time they ¨fixed¨ the boiler the job wasn't fully done. Between the weight and the boiler none of it added up correctly. The boiler was already damaged and 2,000 extra people they should have known it was going to end good. Although they didn't really have anyway warning besides the having to fix the boiler multiple times and they knew
Was there no forethought in the decision to use these chemicals? Killing off the food supply for the country you are there to
In the beginning of this essay I would like to present some facts and figures related to our topic. On December 3, 1984, at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India there was a deadly leak of methyl isocyanate. It caused thousands of people to die and affected generations to come. The leak happened due to a series of human and mechanical failures. The local health officials were neither knowledgeable about the deadly chemical that was being stored there nor were they equipped to handle the tragedy. Another incident happened at the Union Carbide plant in West Virginia. A toxic cloud of the same chemical was leaked into the atmosphere and it was a shocking reminder that such accidents could happen in the both developed and developing countries. The statistics prove that chemical spills occur on a regular basis in different parts of the world. In 1976 there were
When you first think of a serial killer or you think of a psychopath you realize that they both have something in common even though they have different words to describe similar characteristics of a “monster”. John Wayne Gacy had an abusive childhood and struggled with his sexuality at a very young age, which these factors helped him become the person he did.
Three causes of the 1984 Bhopal Chemical Plant disaster in India were long-term financial difficulties, poor safety management and inadequate emergency plans. The disaster occurred when water entered a methyl isocyanate (MIC) storage tank, which led to a runaway reaction and then discharged toxic MIC vapour into the atmosphere. The leak caused the deaths of more than 2,000 people and injured about 200,000 locals in the surrounding shanty towns (Kletz 2009, p. 338).
The W.R. Grace Company, Riley Eannery, and Unifirst Corporation were prominent factories in Wobourn. Jan speculated they were to have illegally dumped a dangerous carcinogen known as TCE into the ground, sewer, and water systems of the Woborn community. These poisons were thought by Jan, and the community, to have polluted two water wells that acted as a water supply for the community. Many of the people who worked at the factories experienced many medical problems such as cancer and died at young ages. Community members experienced numerous medial problems such as flu-like symptoms, memory loss, cancers, leukemia, burning eyes, and skin, and death. The water over the years was said to have gone from natural, to smelling, to dark and dangerous.
DuPont was aware of the harmful effects this chemical had on animals and people but ignored the issue in accordance of high profit. Not only were people affected in the local community, but people in surrounding areas were also affected. Thousands of people and large amounts of property were inflicted with poor air quality and poor drinking water. DuPont had later discovered that there were dust fumes emerging from the factories that were unhealthy for people to inhale, and later found it in the drinking water. DuPont also found an astonishing key of evidence, they had found PFOA in the water, and it was twice the amount of what was allowed, and could cause some serious issues. They had known about the levels and did not notify any workers or anyone in the community due to the fear of loss of profit. Men and women were coming home with a fever, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. These workers endured injurious experiences, and were never notified about the condition in which they were working. DuPont was named as not trustworthy, and at times known to practice illegal activity. After going through the experiences of which they just endured, they might go through the process of mental thinking or what they just went through was not right and should not have happened to me. That process is known as
In the second century B.C., The Roman republican state was separated into two different social classes: the patricians and the plebeians. The patricians were the wealthier citizens who had all the political power in the Roman state while the plebeians were less wealthy citizens who barely had any standing in government. The plebeians, in particular, lacked many of the rights and protections enjoyed by the patricians under Roman law, and their lives were often harsh and unhappy. At the time, slaves were a common element in the Roman financial society; even smaller farmers tended to own at least two. The would-be social reformers, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, sought to better the condition of the plebeians in Roman society and elevate
made by these companies reveal systemic failures in risk management raising questions about the safety
POWs to death with the pesticide Zyklon-B. The SS soon placed a huge order for the gas with a
the offence chain for imprisoned adult male firesetters (descriptive model of adult male firesetting).” Legal and Criminological Psychology 20 (1): 48-67. Accessed September 07, 2015. doi: 10.1111/lcrp.12071
confusion among the enemy; in which Joshua sung and used trumpets to destroy the great city of Jericho; another example of faith winning over evil includes David fighting Goliath with a slingshot. All such examples taught us lessons that there is no way we can win over evil without the help of God.
The second section of the book focused on the chemical industry, specifically vinyl chloride, where it was explained there was little known about the effects of chemicals. Because of this, there was the question of whether “a product was to be considered safe until proven dangerous” or vice versa where a product was considered dangerous until proven safe. This time the public showed greater opposition to the use of vinyl chloride, as environmentalists and labor unions united to reveal the harmful effects of it. Similar to the lead industry, the chemical industry also fought back reasoning to the government that only high levels of chemical exposure was harmful to people and the government