
Bias Based On Neurological Pathways

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Bias is commonly known as being stubborn when it comes to one’s views; however, bias can announce itself in smaller, more innate ways. In this film, one’s implicit bias is an important factor in how the film and its characters will be interpreted by the viewer. Bias is based on neurological pathways that have been formed around one’s opinion. Any new information or evidence that supports one’s idea, whether it’s correct or incorrect, strengthens this bond, or pathway. The brain does everything it can to protect itself from being wrong. A brain can base a conclusion on zero evidence, it can twist information to fit its own bias, and it can stereotype an entire group of people off of an interaction with one person. These are pitfalls in critical thinking, which can make it difficult to break one’s bias. In order to think differently or break away from pitfalls in critical thinking, one must literally deconstruct and reconstruct neurological pathways, physically changing one’s brain. The first pitfall I experienced while watching “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” was making a hasty conclusion about a group of people based on my experience with a few. I assumed that in the beginning of the film, when the white man and Pakistani woman were walking together, that the white man was going to assault the woman for her background. I had zero evidence to support that the white man would assault the Pakistani woman; however, I wanted to believe because of my own past experiences that he

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