
Bible Passages

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arguably the most difficult in the Bible. It was probably the first book of the Bible that was written. Commentators have consistently pointed out the challenges that they themselves encountered when trying to make sense of and translate this masterpiece of literature.

Divine authority of the book and key passages. The Catholic Church teaches that the book was inspired by the Holy Spirit. It belongs to the genre of wisdom literature and the two key passages are:

Job 13:15. “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him.”
Job 37:23-24. “For the Almighty, we cannot find Him; He is excellent in power, In judgment and abundant justice; He does not oppress. Therefore men fear Him; He shows no partiality …show more content…

The main characters in the Book of Job are Job himself, and his three friends Eliphaz, Baidad and Sophar. The problem facing all of these God-fearing men was the very intensity of what had happened to Job. Remember that he had lost all his considerable possessions, and his ten grown-up children had been swept away in a hurricane. And then to cap it all off his health had been taken away - not just feeling a little below par, but his whole body was covered with painful sores, like having shingles all over the body. See Figure …show more content…

God neither affirms nor rebukes him.

Contents. The Book of Job is one of the most celebrated pieces of biblical literature, not only because it explores some of the most profound questions we humans ask about their lives, but also because it is extremely well written. Job divides readily into a prologue in prose, a poetic main division and an epilogue, also in prose:

The prologue or back story narrates how, with the permission of God, a holy man Job is tried by Satan with severe afflictions, in order to test his virtue. In succession Job bears six great temptations with heroic patience, and without the slightest comment against God or wavering in loyalty to him. Then Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Baldad, and Sophar, come to console him. Their visit is to become the seventh and greatest

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