
Biblical Allegory In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“Within the covers of the bible are the answers for all the questions men face.” (Ronald Reagan) The seven deadly sins listed in the bible are lust, wrath, sloth, gluttony, envy, pride, and greed. Although these are the major sins, there are lesser sins that are still bad. These sins were taught by the early Church to be unforgivable, but it is shown in the bible that these sins are completely forgivable by believing in Jesus. In Catholicism, the seven virtues (also known as the heavenly values) are kindness, temperance, charity, chastity, humility, diligence, and patience. By practicing these seven virtues, it is said to protect yourself from the seven deadly sins. In the novella Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses biblical allegory to warn the …show more content…

Curley’s wife is a temptress, being the only women on the ranch. Steinbeck writes, “I seen her give Slim the eye. Curley never seen it. An’ I seen her give Carlson the eye.”(28) She always tries to flirt with the other men on the ranch even though she already has a husband, similar to how Satan tempts us to sin. One of the characters Curley’s wife temps is Lennie. George repeatedly tells Lennie not to associate with Curley’s wife when he says, “Don’t you even take a look at that bitch. I don’t care what she says and what she does. I seen ‘em poison before, but I never seen no pieces of jail bait worse than her. You leave her be.”(32) However when George is alone and Curley’s wife comes in, Lennie doesn't listen to George’s rule and talks to Curley’s wife. Although God had a rule for Adam and Eve which was to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the serpent tempts Eve to eat an apple from the tree, saying it will grant her wisdom. After eating this apple, Eve gives Adam the apple to eat, which forces God to cast them both out of the Garden of Eden. After they talk for a while, Curley’s wife tempts Lennie’s one desire, which is that to touch soft things. She allows Lennie to touch her soft curls, which leads to Lennie not letting go. Here Steinbeck displays anger ,another of the deadly sins when he writes, “Then Lennie grew angry. “Now don’t,” he said. “I don't …show more content…

Although In Of Mice and Men, Slim can be interpreted as God and George can be thought of as Jesus. Let’s start off with Slim. Shown by how he is described, Slim has absolute authority on the ranch. In a way he is like God. Just as he walks in, he is described as “moving with a majesty only achieved by royalty and master craftsmen.” Slim displays many of the heavenly values almost more so than any other character. He is perceptive. He is kind. He has characteristics that displays him as a hard working character. He isn’t judgemental. Slim accepts both Lennie and Slim even though they are thought to be different from the other men. Although God is never really defined in the bible, some attributes are shown about him. He is light in which he has absolute majesty and justice, exactly like how everyone listens to what Slim has to say and he always makes the important decision. The bible also says God is love in which it writes, “We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”(1 John

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