
Biblical Worldview

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What is your purpose in the world? This is a question that many people ponder as they grow up and begin to make an impact on the realm around them. As people grow they start to form their view of the world. Divincezo (2014) defines a worldview as “a foundational set of assumptions to which one commits that serves as a framework for understanding and interpreting reality and deeply shapes one’s behavior.” If a worldview shapes one’s behavior then where do they get their guidelines and morals? Many people develop their sense of right and wrong from their parents and society but Christians look for their answers from God and the bible.
Christians believe God created everything that humanity knows including humanity itself. The bible …show more content…

God sent messages to people such as Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon to lead mankind back to him. However, humanity continued to sin and do wrong and God could not accept them into his kingdom this way. “A sacrificial lamb was needed–one that could atone for the sins of the world. Only the perfect and sinless Lamb of God would be sufficient. Yes, God himself would have to be the sacrifice – somehow (Lecture 4). DiVincenzo (2014) describes the difference between Jesus and the previous methods God used to communicate with man as the difference between texting and meeting someone face-to-face. Jesus is part of the trinity described in Genesis 1, he is God, but also the Son and the word. Jesus became a man to humble himself and become obedient (Philippians). Jesus did this so he could show the world firsthand how God wanted them to be and for all of mankind to become Christ like. Jesus walked among the sinners like thieves and prostitutes and many found this peculiar. Jesus says in Matthew 9:13 “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” He clearly states that he is here to call the sinners to come to God. He walked amount man and gave them teachings on how to be. Ultimately Jesus gives his life for the sins of humanity by being crucified on the …show more content…

I do not have the unwavering faith that there is only one God and that everything in the bible is true. I have to many questions that go unanswered or that I feel I need more to believe. That is the primary difference between my beliefs and Christianity. However, I still have many of the same views of right and wrong as Christians. I believe in being kind to other people and going out of your way to help someone even if they are a stranger. I don’t steal, lie, or want to murder anyone. Most of this is from my upbringing and how I was taught by my parents. Some of it I feel is just an instinct. While I can’t speak for what gave us our instincts in a more spiritual sense I do believe that science and study of the animal kingdom shows a lot. Frank Zindler, former President and current Board Member of American Atheists writes “This should not surprise us when we consider that among the societies of our nearest primate cousins, the great apes, social behavior is not chaotic, even if gorillas do lack the Ten Commandments! The young chimpanzee does not need an oracle to tell it to honor its mother and to refrain from killing its brothers and sisters. Of course, family squabbles and even murder have been observed in ape societies, but such behaviors are exceptions, not the norm. So too it is in human societies, everywhere and at all times.” (Zindler, 2016) America is primarily a Christian based society and I think that even though we have many people

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