
Big Fish Magical Realism

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Some of the most bizarre, intriguing stories and films out there may seem as though the events are merely a figment of one’s imagination. They might create an image in your head that could only exist in a dream or fantasy. Magical realism is a type of fiction that uses different types of magical elements relevant to that specific setting, however would be viewed as unordinary in our world today.
With different types of fiction, one often sees people or objects taking the place of something or someone else. This is an example of an element of magical realism which can be demonstrated through a metamorphosis or transformation within the story. Through Helena Maria Montes’ short story, “The Moths,” she illustrates the transformation of the narrator’s …show more content…

Bloom tells stories of his life sporadically which makes them interesting and appealing to his audience whom ranges from friends and family, to complete strangers. This makes the other characters in the story feel as though they’re actually in the setting because of the imagery Bloom uses that resembles tall tales; such as the giant and witch mentioned in the film. Despite the alluring effect Bloom’s stories give off, he could be classified as a charmed storyteller which exudes this element of magical realism due to his son, William Bloom’s reaction to his father's stories. Others feel that Edward Bloom is a reliable, charming narrator, while his son sees is stories as bizarre and unreliable. William even compared his father to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, claiming he’s “just as charming and just as fake.” This exemplifies the element of magical realism related to a charmed storyteller because Edward Bloom is viewed as a courageous, intriguing man to most, however to the one’s closest to him, he has more untrustworthy characteristics than credible. This particular element of magical realism can be associated with the way a story is told based on the

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