
Big Fish Reflection

Decent Essays

Edward Bloom was a story teller. He would tell elaborate stories to his son since he was born. Not only were the stories exciting, they were told to bring life and excitement into Edwards life. Growing up, William enjoyed his father’s stories. As time goes on, the stories began to become more and more uneventful and less entertaining. This was because William has heard the same stories his whole life. He did not know what was true and what was fake. On his death bed, Edward reconnects with William by getting him to see that he was not lying his whole life, just telling his life story in a much more interesting way. Yes, some details were changed but that does not mean they were all lies. William just did not see that until the end.
Big fish tells a story of adventure, love, life and death. Edward loved his family most of all. He let you know many time throughout the film. What stuck out the most to me was when he finished remodeling Jennifer’s house. Jen came on to him. The love he had for his wife truly showed through when he rejected her affection. This shows, ‘how that the head of the family loves more than anything: his wife and only son’ (Vega). At a young age, Will didn’t have the relationship with his father that he wanted. This was because Edward was often gone for periods of time, traveling and working. Upon Edwards return, he would tell Will stories of his travels and adventures. To this end, William was not able to tell if his dads stories were true or not.

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