
Big Role Of Name Signs In Deaf Culture

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Name Signs
Name signs play a very big role in deaf culture. Name signs are meant to be unique so every person does not have the same name sign. Name signs come with rules as how you get your name sign and that you can’t change your name sign. Some consider name signs as a nickname since you’re not fingerspelling your name anymore.

The earliest record of the use of name signs is from the Paris School for the Deaf in the years 1755 to 1817. Deaf students and educators were given name signs. Deaf people are the ones who are give a name sign. Hearing people don’t get to make up there own name sign. Even when someone is part of the Deaf Community sometimes they aren’t given a name sign because they have a short name like Joy or Dan. Deaf children born to Deaf parents will receive their name sign at birth. Deaf children born to hearing parents won’t receive their name until later on.( Supalla, S. J. (1992). The Book of Name Signs: Naming in American Sign Lanuage. San Diego, CA: DawnSign Press. Retrieved June 11, 2015.) …show more content…

There is arbitrary and descriptive. Arbitrary signs use the first letter of a person’s name. Descriptive signs are on used to describe a person’s physical characteristic.( J, M. (n.d.). Name Signs?. In Start ASL.) Arbitrary names signs are made up from common signs. Arbitrary signs may not be as “personalized” to each individual. Descriptive signs can seem more personal because they are from a distinguish characteristic about that person. Descriptive name signs can be assigned based on unique characteristics such as a employment, characteristics of body movement or personal tendencies.( Stockdale, R. (2013, February 11). Name Signs. In Deaf Culture: Name

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