The late August heat, the early September breeze, and the warm setting sun make for a night of amusement and fun-filled memories. Walking under the Big-Top, you catch a quick glance at a large gray beast, a feisty orange feline, and a miniature yellow car accompanied with a giant human outfitted with a red nose and a polka-dotted body. The circus is a fantastic way to be entertained by a large array of the world’s most magnificent animals. The circus is a pleasant time for most but for others it’s a nightmare. It is simple for mankind: if you do not like the circus, do not attend. The choice for animals is not so easy; they are the main attraction and therefore, forced to attend. Animals are the stars of the show, the entertainment of …show more content…
Though Ringling says they provide all necessary care, which is not enough. What if you were told you that you would be taken from your parents at ten years old to live independently? Well, this is the reality of Asian elephants; they are taken from their mothers at two years old. In the wild, Asian elephants do not leave their mother until they are fifteen years of age, and even then they do not leave the herd, for they are with their family for their whole lives (Read, Bruce). All in all, Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey appear to be on top of the circus game. Looking back on life you are pleased and believe you had everything that was needed to survive in this crazy world. Animals understand what it is like to be without basics and yet; they cannot speak up and ask for a warm bath, a fresh bed, or a spacious environment. Anyone knows that when traveling, there is never an abundance of space; imagine you are a half ton elephant shoved into a box no bigger than a UPS truck. According to a former Ringling employee the elephants are packed into boxcars and there is not even enough room to turn around, let alone lay down. It has been recorded that the elephants are only unchained when the public is around; that means they are chained in the boxcars, in their stalls, and in their cages. The life of a circus animal is not very long either, especially when horses are dying
In the 1900s, circuses were extremely popular and prevalent in the west. During the downfall of the circus industry, “wealthy industrialists and professionals who loved the circus formed the Circus Fans Associations…whose motto, “We fight anything that fights the circus,” summed up its philosophy” (Pfening 24). Ironically, it is proven that “the last twenty-five years of the nineteenth century was the apogee [or the climax] of the American circus” (Pfening 5). People were attracted to the charismatic spirit of the circus during the anguish and despair that came along with the Great Depression.
This is good news for elephant lovers everywhere, but for the lions, tigers, monkeys, and bears it’s not something to celebrate. Although the big, colorful tents and cheery music may draw a crowd, circuses are notoriously known for the treatment of their animals, and for good reason, too. According to, “virtually 96 percent of a circus animal’s life is spent in chains or cages” (“11 Facts”). These cages have no separate area for eating, sleeping or defecating, which can lead to sickness, irritability, and even death. When not performing, the time spent out of these cages is to teach the animals to perform outlandish tasks, using training methods such as whipping, food deprivation, and electric prods (“11 Facts”).
I really enjoyed going to the circus as a child but, I never knew how it was planned out. After reading my novel I’m surprised at how many problems a circus faces, even though it’s such an exciting place.
During this time period, there was little to no regulation of the circus crew or the animals. This was the situation in a Water for Elephants. To top it all off, the show was owned and operated by a money hungry and cruel person, who would do anything to save money such as not paying the workers, not feeding the workers, not giving the exotic animals proper care and the list goes on. But in the circus, the audience seem to buy into the performer's deceptions. The audience is completely oblivious and are deceived by this circus, but in reality the circus is not as perfect as they make it
The main idea of the article is that the nation’s most famous circus is shutting down after being open for 146 years. In the article the author states why the circus is shutting down and the author organizes the article by putting the least important reasons to the most important reasons.
Zoos, SeaWorld, and circuses are places for families to enjoy entertainment. However, most people do not realize how the animals in each of these establishments are handled. Yes, they all bring in revenue and present the tricks these animals can do, yet these places preform detrimental acts to the animals. For example, the killer whales at SeaWorld are sometimes starved if they do not perform the way the trainer wants them to. In comparison, circuses torture lions and tigers until they are submissive to how the show-people want them to act. Zoos do not necessarily torture their animals, but it is proven the animals live much shorter lives in captivity. “Lives of animals in the wild versus captivity are literally worlds apart, and even the best captive facilities can’t recreate the conditions of the wild — not exactly. Most don’t even try, leaving animals in tiny enclosures with no socialization, enrichment or joy. Captivity is unnatural and unhealthy” (Sentenac). People are starting to recognize the danger of continuing these practices, but there’s a long way to go.Furthermore, animals in all of these places have suffered many traumatizing and even deadly events. There was a recent report that two circus lions, whom had severe head injuries, were killed by poachers who snuck into the sanctuary. “Last year poachers bypassed an advanced security system at a lodge near the town of Tzaneen in the Limpopo province, killing two lions by feeding them poisoned meat” (Graham).
Think about how we will look back on our cruel forms of entertainment in the future. Will we be proud of the way we treated these great animals, with abuse as neglect? Today we turn our heads away from reality and what happens behind the scenes of animal entertainment. However, we can’t turn our heads forever. Around the world, there is so much more to animal entertainment than what meets the eye. These animals have been torn away from their beautiful, natural homes and brought to a prison of concrete. In these prisons, they are beaten, starved and tortured all for our money and entertainment. These animals lives should not be taken from them for us. Our money and happiness should not be worth these animal’s lives. Circus, theme park and zoo animals all suffer from aggression towards trainers, mental disabilities and physical injuries. These animals should not have to suffer any longer.
Have you ever been to a circus? Traveling shows are famous for their colorful tents, crowded atmosphere, and comical acts. Most of all, they are loved for their animals. Dogs ride unicycles and dress up as clowns; seals wear makeup and balance balls on their noses; elephants, horses, and cats perform dances for the entertainment of the crowd. But what is really going on behind the painted smiles and frilly costumes? Many circuses have long bloody histories of animal neglect and abuse, unbeknownst by the adoring children who watch with awe. Circuses all over the world are inhumane in their treatment of animals, keeping wild animals in close confines, regularly abusing their animals, and withholding veterinary services when needed.
There is rampant use of elephants and other animals in circuses. There are people who are in support of the use of animals in entertainment because there is little suffering that they suffer. There are others that of a different opination because of the physical and psychological suffering that they undergo when doing the tricks. This paper covers the argument that the use of elephants in entertainment is ethical.
A circus is a place where there is a big red and white striped tent. Inside this tent there are animals with talents or trained animals with their trainer. There are also some acrobats doing tricks for people to get entertained. There is also people with their kids and trying to get them to know more about the circus . This is how a circus may look like .
Although circus animals perform they still spend most of their time crammed into small unsanitary box cars or changed up. .According to the article “Circus Animals are Abused” it says that elephants are chained up for over 90% of the time when they aren’t performing. Therefore, if these animals are chained up most of the time they don’t get the chance to exercise the full range of their natural behaviors.According to Peta it says that the performing animals are put into cramped, unsanitary, and poorly ventilated boxcars for travel and they are kept in the for up to 100 hours. Sometimes in the boxcars the temperature exceeds 100 degrees and sometimes the animals die.Therefore, if these boxcars are cramped and unsanitary then these animals shouldn't be kept in them.Since these animals are either chained up for long periods of time or they’re kept in cramped boxcars they shouldn’t be able to perform in the circus.
The life of a circus animal is hard and demanding. It is not an acceptable way of life for an animal. Circuses would quickly lose their appeal if the public were more aware of their mistreatments of these animals. Many circuses do not have much money and as a result the animals suffer from inadequate care. These animals spend most of their time in small cages used for transportation. The Animal Welfare Act provides cage requirements, but many circuses fail to follow this law. Even the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus was cited for 65 violations over a two-year period according to Florence Lambert. When traveling, animals spend hours, even days between sites in confinement..
A tiger jumping through a ring of fire. An elephant standing on his head. Classic circus animal tricks. The sea of laughing children shriek with delight as each animal performs more and more astounding acts. What if I told you that Nala the tiger is starved, beaten, tortured into submission? What if I told you that every night, Freddy the elephant is chained in a metal cage, his sanity slipping into the darkness? Would you be laughing then?
Animals have been a main focus in circus performances around the world for many centuries; however, in recent history, there have been far more regulations put on the use of these creatures, stemming mainly from how they are treated by both their trainers and the circus as a whole. Whether it be on the federal or local and state-level, there has been a definite increase in the questionable legality of America’s circus industry due to the neglect and abuse of the participating animals, courts’ decisions highlighting the true importance of the issue. These rulings make one ask the question: What types of regulations could be put in place in all circuses to ensure that the animals involved are not abused in the process? In the end, many
A circus is a group of entertainers, which consists of includes clowns, acrobats, trained animals, trapeze acts, jugglers, unicyclists, and other object manipulation. The term ‘circus through many formats over 150 years of modern history. Philip Ashley was the ‘father’ of the circus. He opened his first circus in England in 1768. The early circuses consisted of equestrian skills with horsemanship performances. The performances developed through the next 50 years with large scaled theatrical recreations. The traditional format consisted the ringmaster who used to introduce the performances.