What is 10 feet tall and 1,200 pounds? It’s Bigfoot also known as Sasquatch in Canada, and Yeti in the Middle-East. There are many video’s and other pieces of evidence proving that Bigfoot is indeed very real. Throughout many centuries, people have heard the story of Bigfoot. People always wonder if he’s real, let me tell you, he is. “So many people have seen this creature, and described him the same that there is no way he’s fake”(“The Evidence For Bigfoot”). "One of the sets of casts showed anatomical features of an injured foot that were either made by a real upright-walking primate, or an artist with an expert understanding of primate foot anatomy" ( “The Evidence For Bigfoot”). When people report that they saw Bigfoot, others often "label them as drunk or crazy"(Ray). There have also been videos showing that Bigfoot is real. Almost 90% of sightings of Bigfoot were in the Pacific Northwest near Oregon. They describe him as looking more like a hairy human than a bear. Bigfoot’s scientific name is Gigantopithecus. It was commonly found in South Asia about 300,000 years ago. He was believed to be 1,200 pounds and 10 feet …show more content…
One footprint was 5 inches wide and 15 inches long. Bigfoot’s “vocalizations” are described as “imitation bird calls”(Lee). Native American Tribes have their own “oral traditions” and “its own name”(Lee) describing Bigfoot. "The Patterson-Gimlin film is widely regarded as one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the existence of sasquatches”(“The Evidence For Bigfoot”). “Over the last 40 years, it has never been proven to be a hoax(“ The Evidence For Bigfoot”). Many people think Bigfoot is just a man in a costume, or a bear in the wild. However, it is much more likely that since people have described him the same way and in the same area, that he’s an undiscovered human-like ape species. Bigfoot being real keeps of being the most reasonable answer to the
The Cardiff Giant was a 10-foot tall man made of wood. George Hull decided to hire people to cut a 10-foot block of wood. After that, he hired a stonecutter to carve the wood into the shape of a 10-foot man and made the stonecutter swear to keep quite. The stonecutter also added chemicals to make it look aged. Hull then hired two men to dig a well; he was really paying them to dig up his hoax of a 10-foot tall man but they were not aware. The hoax ended when P.T. Barnum created a replica of the giant and put it on display as the original.
Big foot first world wide appearance in literature, drama,and etc.. began in the year of 1811. Some of Big foot’s top 10 most popular books are “The Field Guide To Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates”,”So You Want To Catch A Bigfoot?” ,” Raincoast Sasquatch”,”Bigfoot Observer's Field Manual “, and etc. Not only were his books booming worldwide his movies were too “Abominable” ,“Bigfoot” , and Willow Creek were a few of his most popular movies.
| * Notes: Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, is an ape-like creature said to live in the United States and Canada. Although sightings have been reported in numerous states, most reports come from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Numerous Bigfoot sightings have also been reported in British Columbia, Canada. In Wisconsin, the Lakota Indians call the creature "Chiye-tanka", a word meaning "Big Elder Brother." Sasquatch is described as a large, hairy bipedal hominoid. Many people think that Bigfoot's relatives can be found in different areas of
Justin Smeja and the driver of the vehicle observed a Bigfoot standing in a small meadow approximately eighty yards from the road.
The Bigfoot name has been documented throughout history. Ancient native americans have writing and pottery with a Bigfoot type creature painted and or carved into them. This proves that Bigfoot has been seen for many years. Americans today describe Bigfoot in the same way as the native americans; tall, hairy, and man like. This proves that we aren't the only ones who have seen Bigfoot. Also, around 1 to 9 million years ago a Bigfoot like creature called the Gigantopithecus did exist. This means that the gigantopithecus could have evolved into what we all now know as Bigfoot.
I'm sure you've heard people talking about it, watched documentaries, or ha an opinion yourself: megalodons may be alive. Sure, there is some fake proof out there, but I think megalodons are still real. check out this picture that shows the scale of a megalodon to a human:
actually a real creature. People of South America believe this creature is real by majority. The
In American Mythology, there is one creature that sticks out from the rest. This animal is getting more and more popular by the minute for its odd body. This creatures name is Bigfoot. To start-off, Bigfoot’s origin across the earth is widespread. There are many reported incidents involving Bigfoot each year.
The Blackfoot People are one of the many Native American Indian tribes that roamed America in the early 1700s. Like many tribes they were nomadic hunters that lived in the Great Plains of Montana and the Canadian provinces of Alberta. The name is said to have come from the colour of the peoples shoes that were made of leather. They had typically dyed or painted the soles of their shoes black.
Big Foot was the chief of a subtribe of the Lakota called Miniconjou. He was very old and had pneumonia. He was taking his tribe to the Pine Ridge Reservation in south-western South Dakota.
Though today, the Blackfoot territory is defined by reserve/reservation boundaries and divided by the United States-Canadian border, their homeland, Nitawahsinnanni (“our land”), continues to be defined by topographical features using their language (The Blackfoot Gallery Committee, 2013, 12). This traditional homeland spans from the North Saskatchewan River (Ponokasisahta, the Elk River) as far south as the Yellowstone River, Montana (Otahkoitahtayi) and from the Rocky Mountains as far East as the “Great Sand Hills
The tale of Bigfoot or Sasquatch traces its origins back to the Native American tribes of the Northwestern part of the United States and Canada. The natives told this tale of a group of giant hairy wild ape-man like people that protect the forests to give reason for respecting nature and preserve order. Bigfoot sightings have spread throughout the United States and the world. Our fascination with this creature have spiraled into almost mass hysteria among people to find and prove this creature is real. I decided to observe and analyze the film Bigfoot.
Although the specifics of Bigfoot may be vague, almost every culture has had its own stories regarding the human-like creatures that roam the world.
For over a 150 years man has been troubled by one great mystery, a mystery that has baffled all who have witnessed it and all who have tried to solve it. This mystery is commonly known as Bigfoot, a tall hairy man/ape who lurks in the woods in almost every country on this planet. Some say it is just an ape, some believe it is a man in costume, and others are true believers of this hairy phenomenon. For more than a decade and a half this creature of myth has caused enormous contradictions in the field of science, bringing about one question. Does Bigfoot exist?
A majority of the questions a Bigfoot quester might be asked is, what evidence shows us that this mythical creature actually exists today? According to the BFRO(Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization), the most recurring evidence that they have is the plentiful amount of witnesses. Witnesses are the people that say they have had an encounter with the mythical Bigfoot. The Patterson-Gimlin film, is said to be the strongest evidence of Bigfoot. Scientists have been evaluating the film for over 40 years, and they have not yet came up with an answer, on whether it's a hoax or if the film is actually showing us an actual Bigfoot. Many people have confessed to being the man in the suit, but scientists say it is