
Bigfoot Research Paper

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What is 10 feet tall and 1,200 pounds? It’s Bigfoot also known as Sasquatch in Canada, and Yeti in the Middle-East. There are many video’s and other pieces of evidence proving that Bigfoot is indeed very real. Throughout many centuries, people have heard the story of Bigfoot. People always wonder if he’s real, let me tell you, he is. “So many people have seen this creature, and described him the same that there is no way he’s fake”(“The Evidence For Bigfoot”). "One of the sets of casts showed anatomical features of an injured foot that were either made by a real upright-walking primate, or an artist with an expert understanding of primate foot anatomy" ( “The Evidence For Bigfoot”). When people report that they saw Bigfoot, others often "label them as drunk or crazy"(Ray). There have also been videos showing that Bigfoot is real. Almost 90% of sightings of Bigfoot were in the Pacific Northwest near Oregon. They describe him as looking more like a hairy human than a bear. Bigfoot’s scientific name is Gigantopithecus. It was commonly found in South Asia about 300,000 years ago. He was believed to be 1,200 pounds and 10 feet …show more content…

One footprint was 5 inches wide and 15 inches long. Bigfoot’s “vocalizations” are described as “imitation bird calls”(Lee). Native American Tribes have their own “oral traditions” and “its own name”(Lee) describing Bigfoot. "The Patterson-Gimlin film is widely regarded as one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the existence of sasquatches”(“The Evidence For Bigfoot”). “Over the last 40 years, it has never been proven to be a hoax(“ The Evidence For Bigfoot”). Many people think Bigfoot is just a man in a costume, or a bear in the wild. However, it is much more likely that since people have described him the same way and in the same area, that he’s an undiscovered human-like ape species. Bigfoot being real keeps of being the most reasonable answer to the

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