Have you ever been so excited to ride the tallest rollercoaster in the park only to wait in line for an hour and when you finally get to the top you begin to think to yourself, maybe this isn’t a great idea after all? Well, this closely resembles the feelings that Bilbo Baggins encounters in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit when he is faced with going on an adventure. His Tookish side shows through his enthusiasm about going on the adventure. His Baggin’s side shows through his hesitation when the adventure actually begins.
J.R.R Tolkien views Bilbo’s Tookish side as positive towards the adventure. In The Hobbit, Bilbo is forced to go on an adventure where fighting will be needed. Bilbo is accompanied by the dwarves who believe that he is not fit
Bilbo Baggins experiences a lot of difficult situations throughout The Hobbit. I believe the most difficult situation for Bilbo to over come would be when he was faced with the decision to go on the adventure. When the opportunity came for Bilbo to embark on the adventure he politely declined, "We don't want any adventures here, thank you! You might try over The Hill or across The Water." (Tolkien 9) Bilbo declined because he does not like adventures, "but also because they never had any adventures or did anything unexpected;" (Tolkien 7) Bilbo later agrees to join onto the adventure although it is something he is uncomfortable with.
Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit living in the Shire having a peaceful quiet life in his hobbit hole. One day after living a life of leisure and pleasure he is awakened by a rude knock on his door. In a matter of a few hours he will meet the people that changed his life for good. The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien is a story about a hobbit and his adventure. His adventure starts with a knock on his door by his old Friend Gandalf. Gandalf then promptly asks Bilbo”I am looking for someone to share in an adventure”(tolkien). Bilbo then denies Gandalf and continuous with his usual day until that night. When Bilbo is about to eat his dinner he gets a knock. He opens it to find two dwarves Dwalin and Balin. Bilbo 's shocked but invites them in. Bilbo does this eval times until he 's left with thirteen dwarves Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Ori, Nori, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin Oakenshield. They then invite him on a quest that would change his life. During his quest he faces many evils and overcomes them all to become a hero.
The Hobbit is a piece of prose written by J. R. R. Tolkien. It is a story about a young hobbit who is faced with the quest to come along and help beat Smaug, the dragon who stole the dwarves home. Bilbo, who is more cowardly, wanted to say no but didn't, and he agreed to come on the quest to get the dwarves' land back in return for a bit of treasure. As they go on their quest, they are faced with many dangers and problems, even after Gandalf the wizard leaves them midway through the journey. The book displays Bilbo as a timid and small creature who doesn’t have much confidence in himself, but as the chapters progress, he becomes more outgoing as he learns to defend himself.
When Bilbo Baggins faces conflicts, he pretends to act scared and surprised. First of all, when
Bilbo has not earned the respect that craves from the dwarves, and thus his plans to win the dwarf's favor are performative, going off of things he "had read... [but] had never seen or done" (Tolkien 35), instead of things that he knows will yield results. The major overarching internal conflict that goes on throughout the entire book is between balancing the two sides of Bilbo, the Took and the Baggins. As Bilbo enters the tunnel he starts to have doubts and second-guess himself exclaiming “You put your right foot in it at night of the party, and now you have got to pull it out and pay for it” (Tolkien 214) and as well says “if only I could wake up and find this beastly tunnel was my front-hall at home” (Tolkien 214). As he enters having wishes of going back home showing off his more scared Baggins side, he is second guessing himself feeling anxious and is feeling big feelings of regret.
First , Tolkien has a totally different mindset than we do. The positive character traits are being adventurous and being wild minded, and when bilbo accepted the challenge to go to fight the trolls. He went to go get back the treasure that belonged to him and other people that smog stole. He went on this long trip just to get back what’s his. He was very positive about going on this trip. He thinks that tookish side on chapter one to be very positive. These are some things that J.R.R. Tolkien thinks
Character traits that Tolkien considers positive include traits such as being adventurous and politeness. In the novel the trait adventurous appear as a positive trait as it is a ‘requirement’ in order to even go on an adventure. Bilbo denies adventure due to his normal, peaceful life. However, his Tookish side urges him to accept and accompany the dwarves. Being polite or kind is another positive character trait. Bilbo was upset,
“Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterward were as nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait” (132). In J.R.R.Tolkien’s The Hobbit, the reader is taken through a parable that follows Bilbo Baggins on the ‘Hero’s Journey.’ This fantasy classic begins with an ‘everyman’ hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, who takes on a perilous journey to reclaim the dwarves’ homeland, The Lonely Mountain. After being spurred into action by Gandalf, the herald and mentor figure, Bilbo finds himself going on a pernicious venture that contradicts his docile nature, pushing him to play the role of
First of all, he gains courage in the story. Before he went on this adventure, he was timid and to himself. This is because hobbits didn’t go on anything dangerous, especially adventures. This all changes as soon as Bilbo goes on this journey with Gandalf and the dwarves. We see our first example of this when he tries to steal from the three huge, nasty
Bilbo uncovers things about himself that he didn't even know possibly existed within him. In the cliché theme of 'good versus evil', Bilbo, without question, automatically jumps to the 'good' side. In his character, there are no uncertain borders, as there are in the temperaments of the dwarves. From the beginning to the end he stays an honourable and honest hobbit,
Baggins. He felt a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach” (Tolkien 141-142). This event has led to Bilbo beginning to believe in himself, which is an important contribution to his overall development into the hero of this tale. Finally, when Bilbo is met with the task of meeting the dragon Smaug, he does not turn back. Even when he must walk alone through the dark, secluded hallway to Smaug’s lair knowing that he could meet his doom at any instant, he walked on. His internal being knows this is his final test of courage, and his will to carry on demonstrates his final development into a hero.
The only thing a reader needs to know about how Bilbo Baggins, the protagonist of The Hobbit feels about adventures, is that “We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures”, which is much the same as any other hobbit (4). First of all, it should be known what hobbits are and how Bilbo acted like a stereotypical hobbit in the beginning. Hobbits are humanoid creature who shorter than humans, but have a longer life span than a human. They typically like a rather quiet and peaceful life along with smoking and blowing smoke rings. This was why the wizard, Gandalf is generally disliked for “so many quiet lads and lasses going off into the Blue for mad adventures” (5-6). Second of all, it should be noted that Bilbo is in fact not some flat chapter, but has been raised to
This quote show what Thorin thinks of Bilbo and his role in the group. He is doubting his abilities and thinking he would only come in the way of their plan to steal the treasure from Smaug the dragon who is guarding it at misty mountains. Gandalf who lead them to Bilbos house and took his side which got the dwarves to agree on adding him to the group as the 14th member. This quote show that tomorrow they will be starting on their journey.
Venturing off on his journey Bilbo had begun to step out and began showing more of his Tookish side. For example, “These didn’t come quite as often as Bilbo would have liked them, but still he began to feel that adventures were not so bad after all.” The regular old boring Baggins side of Bilbo would have
Prior to the quest, Bilbo Baggins was a conservative, respectable and stubborn hobbit who lead a rich and comfortable life (Stephanie web). These characteristics, as well as safety and a dull existence, are typical of the Baggins