Bilbo’s journey all started when he met Gandalf. Gandalf organized a plan to get Bilbo into the “group of dwarves and Gandalf”. Gandalf believed that Bilbo was right for the journey, so he put a queer sign on Bilbo’s green door ”...his Gandalf. He had plans on having tea with Gandalf, he did have some “tea” with Gandalf - and with twelve other dwarves. He was called to the adventure by Gandalf and Partly the dwarves in chapter one. Throughout the journey Gandalf has helped Bilbo. Bilbo was helped by Gandalf two times. The first time he was saved by Gandalf “(the dwarves and Bilbo had been caught by Trolls) ...for just at that moment the light came over the hill...William...Bert and Tom were stuck like rocks…’excellent’ said Gandalf, as he
At the beginning of the adventure, Bilbo was a timid, little hobbit with no idea how to steal or survive outside of his little hobbit hole. When Thorin and the rest of the dwarves first meet Bilbo, they question
This is Bilbo’s acceptance of the adventure. Next Bilbo got help from a supernatural aid; a ring. He came across the ring underground in the Goblins territory right before he encountered Gollum. The ring turned out to be Gollum’s and was very important to him, but still Bilbo took it for himself; and that was a smart idea, as it became quite a useful tool throughout his journey. With it he escaped Gollum’s lair; “Gollum was defeated. He dared go no further. He had lost : lost his prey, and lost, too, the only thing he had ever cared about, his precious” (Tolkien 87). The ring helped Bilbo escape the goblins, who Bilbo encountered shortly after fleeing from Gollum. The ring also helped Bilbo escape from the treacherous spiders he and the dwarves came across later on in the story. Finally, Bilbo crossed the threshold, or in other worlds, left the old world behind. The morning after the dwarves had convinced Bilbo to join them, Bilbo found his house trashed, but the dwarves gone. So he assumed they went on without him. Ten minutes before he was due at the Green Dragon Inn, Gandalf appeared at his house informing him that they were all waiting for him to arrive. Flustered, Bilbo was shoved out of his house towards the Inn, without
The hero's journey of Bilbo starts when he is asked by a charter in the book to come on a journey across the country. Bilbo first says no then is convinced that is will be okay to go. They first start the trip, then Bilbo starts to get a little worried,
Bilbo lives a quiet and comfortable life in his hobbit hole in Bag end and he almost never leaves home. But the wizard knows that there is more to Bilbo that meets the eye and he has certain powers that can help the dwarves in their journey to
There are three ways that Bilbo baggins has given into the Took side of him. One way is when Gandalf appears and shows him a note the dwarves left, agreeing to give him one-fourteenth of the profits if he accompanies them to reclaim their treasure. Bilbo runs to meet the dwarves, forgetting his handkerchief. Another way Bilbo goes out of his comfort zone is when Bilbo and the dwarves approach the Misty Mountains. The sense of danger increases and, once again, Bilbo thinks of home. Gandalf warns them that they are at the edge of the Wild and that they can stay with his friend Elrond in Rivendell. The third way is when With whips, the Goblins drive Bilbo and the dwarves to the cavern of the Great Goblin. On the way, they see their ponies,
Bilbo at one point agrees to go on the quest with Gandalf and the dwarfs, which is considered an act of a hero’s quest. Respectable hobbits don’t normally go on an adventurous quests and that is why at first Bilbo turned Gandalf down, but later decided that it could be fun. Bilbo woke up late the next morning and he was joyed to see that the dwarfs left without him, but then he sees Gandalf come running back to get him. As they head east on the main road, Bilbo is upset about having to leave without finishing his breakfast and not making proper preparations. So after walking for hours, they all eventually get extremely tired and they look for a place to stop for the night. Along this long quest there are many challenges that Bilbo will have to overcome. For example after Bilbo was chased by the goblins, he found a cave to stay in, but it’s the first time he has been alone and is in danger, so he has to overcome his fear and learn how to deal with these types of situations. The greatest challenge of the journey was when he reached the Abyss. When he reaches the Abyss he has to “become one” in the adventure. He has to overcome and face all of his fears alone. Challenges play a huge part in a quest because no quest big or small is always going to be easy. If you can overcome the challenges that are in the quest, then the quest will become easier, but overcoming the challenges, is the
The next part of Bilbo’s development into a hero appears as seemingly endless obstacles and trials. This part is perhaps most important for Bilbo’s progression, as it is here where he develops his heroic characteristics and taps into his inner reserves of strength. The first major trial Bilbo’s group encounters is a group of trolls in their path. Bilbo, having the wise notion, that as his ‘official’ job position of the group is burglar, decides to pickpocket the trolls. A fight ensues, in which the reader is aware of Bilbo’s ineffectiveness. Inevitably, it turns into a disaster, ending up with all of the party captured by the trolls. Luckily, the group is saved by Gandalf. After the encounter with the trolls, the group searches for the troll’s stash only to find it locked. After much time fussing over how to open
Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit living in the Shire having a peaceful quiet life in his hobbit hole. One day after living a life of leisure and pleasure he is awakened by a rude knock on his door. In a matter of a few hours he will meet the people that changed his life for good. The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien is a story about a hobbit and his adventure. His adventure starts with a knock on his door by his old Friend Gandalf. Gandalf then promptly asks Bilbo”I am looking for someone to share in an adventure”(tolkien). Bilbo then denies Gandalf and continuous with his usual day until that night. When Bilbo is about to eat his dinner he gets a knock. He opens it to find two dwarves Dwalin and Balin. Bilbo 's shocked but invites them in. Bilbo does this eval times until he 's left with thirteen dwarves Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Ori, Nori, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin Oakenshield. They then invite him on a quest that would change his life. During his quest he faces many evils and overcomes them all to become a hero.
But then Gandalf appears and changes everything. Bilbo ends up gaining bravery, self-confidence, and the loyalty he was lacking. One of Bilbo's first adventures, which made him
First of all Bilbo is adventurous. Before Gandalf came to his house Bilbo was a simple hobbit that had no intention of leaving his cozy hobbit hole to go on an adventure . For example, After the adventure Bilbo was pumped to go on an adventure but, before the adventure he wouldn’t even had thought of going even near the mountains.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien is a book about many things. Mostly it’s an adventure of a lifetime for a young hobbit named Frodo. In The Fellowship of the Ring there are two hobbits named Bilbo, and Frodo Baggins. Bilbo is Frodo’s uncle who went on an incredible adventure and obtained a ring from a hobbit named Gollum. That ring once belonged to Sauron, the dark lord of Mordor. Without knowing that fact, Bilbo had kept the ring for years. Eventually his dear friend Gandalf the Grey had suspicions of the rings, and had Bilbo give it to his heir Frodo before he left for Rivendell. Frodo received a mission from Gandalf to get rid of the ring in Rivendell, the home of the elves. To accompany Frodo on his journey, three other young hobbits went along. Those hobbits were Sam, Pippin, and Merry. Along their journey to Rivendell they came across many obstacles, but they finally made it. When they arrived they had met Bilbo there. Elrond, the elf king decided to send with more help in the quest
Hobbits are not normally heros. Bilbo is going against hobbits naturall instinct. The main reason Bilbo for agreeing to this is because he feels bad form the dwarves and he wanted to help which is a heroic trait. For hobbits to go on adventures and missions is shameful. Even after all these thing telling Bilbo he can’t do this he goes and does it anyway.
To start off a hero’s quest we must have a quester. The quester in this novel is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit, “a short, human-like person. Bilbo leads a quiet life in his comfortable hole at Bag End and, like most hobbits, is content to stay at home. But Bilbo possesses a great deal of untapped inner strength, and when the wizard Gandalf persuades Bilbo to join a group of dwarves on an interesting quest.
If saving the dwarves once was not sufficient, Bilbo managed to save them from the Wood-elves, further highlighting his character development. The role he plays is validated after the rescue when Thorin says “we ought to thank our stars and Mr. Baggins...” (Tolkien 226). Although this has been said several
This tells us that he is improving his state of mind and is becoming more comfortable on the journey. Tens of pages after, Bilbo secures the dwarves in the barrels, and he starts to push them into the river. After he pushes everyone into the river “Bilbo suddenly [discovers] the weak point in his plan… Of course he [is] not in a barrel himself, nor [is] there anyone to pack him in” (198). The mentality of the quest dramatically changes for Bilbo. In the beginning of the text,