
How Does Bilingualism Make The Difference In Expressing Emotions

Decent Essays

In a society where information is spread faster and achieved from different resources, people are more used with new informations . Like is said in the Anna Wierzbicka article “Bilingual lives, Bilingual experiences " emotions are part of our lives and bilingualism make the difference in expressing emotions. Expressing emotions can be a difficult part for a bilingual person when the vocabulary of emotions is different from language to language.
In time, bilingualism had become researchers debate topic especially from the linguistic field and therefore occurred a lot of specialized papers.In a topic debate it's important to know the definition of the subject , and into this, I want to start by adding the definitions of bilingual and bilingualism from the Bilinguality and Bilingualism, Second edition by Josiane F. Hamers and Michel H. A., …show more content…

Another argument in this are problem can be found in Lutz quote from the Bilingual lives, Bilingual Experience article where he explains the differences situation :
" Different languages are linked with different ways of thinking as well as different ways of feeling; they are linked with different attitudes, different ways of relating to people, different ways of expressing one’s feelings and so on ."
This quote explain why being bilingual it is difficult , especially when you have to translate from one language to another, because are different cultures so therefore words and their essential meaning can not be translated and still have the same importance. From the translation zone came two very important questions proposed by Mackey in the Life with Two Languages: An Introduction to Bilingualism by François Grosjean ( Harvard University Press ) “ How well does the bilingual keep his or her language apart? How does each language influence the use of the other ?

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