
Bill C-51 Case Study

Decent Essays

Bill C- 51 is one of the most controversial laws passed in recent Canadian history. Due to widespread global terrorism. The federal government had decided to give more power to Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) forcing Canadians to sacrifice personal privacy in order to obtain security. Many connections can be made between Bill C-51 and the ideals of a TED talk speaker Bruce Schneier, a philosopher and a computer privacy expert. Despite the fact that the bill was passed in June of 2015, Schneier's comments made back in 2010 still ring true today when compared to Bill C-51.
The major reason for what makes Canada’s newest anti-terrorism law so controversial is that it compromises the privacy of Canadians, by granting greater power …show more content…

People tend to overplay rare risks due to fear, and downplay common risks or problems. This connects to Bill C-51 because, while there have been acts of terrorism in Canada such as the attacks on Parliament. Canada has never really been stuck by a mass terrorist attack. However, due to fear generated from major attacks seen in around the world, and the unfamiliarity of the situation. People felt the need to sacrifice their privacy for protection from a terrorist attacks when Bill C-51 was passed. Schneier also says that people feel more at risk in situations they can not control. For Canadians they fear terrorism because it could come from anywhere and it is difficult to control these activities, and Bill C-51 promises greater protection from these threats. His final point of bias was that people are more afraid of personified risks, like when people see a group of ISIS members it is more frightening because they have a name. Schneier also comments on how people react to stories rather than data. I think that this is true because it is one thing to say something is one in a million, meaning it basically never happens. When people physically see the harm caused by these terrorist attacks through news outlets, it affects people on a much larger scale, and creates a greater amount of fear in the

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