
Bill French, Accountant

Good Essays

Break even analysis is a method that has been applied by many business operations in determining the least operational points which they can operate and still remain in business. It is very important for a business that has just entered the market and wants to win its market share before it can set the selling prices for its prices. It is also applicable in events where here are a number of competitors a firm wants to win. Break even point is defined as the point below which a business cannot operate. At this point, the business should be able to cover all its costs, which are fixed and variable costs. It is measured in either product units or dollars.

Bill French, Accountant
The break even analysis is a very important …show more content…

With the break even analysis, the firm will easily make a decision on whether to alter the existing products. It is true with the alterations, the sales volume has to increase and if the firm finds that it is not possible to make the extra sales, it will have to stop with the alterations. For instance, it is planned that there is extra investment on the C product which will mean an increase in costs. Since the firm’s capacity is thought to be at the maximum, it will not be possible to make the increased investment.
Break-even analysis is very useful tool in all business operations. Although it has the disadvantages brought about by the assumptions made, it has its own advantages as well. The disadvantages are the assumptions that everything produced is sold and at the same price. However, the advantages which make it useful and each of the firm is advised to use it are that it is cheap and it helps a firm acquire a loan. With its relationship of returns, volume, production and cost shown, the firm will be able to make decisions on whether to take some business ventures or to leave them (, 2009). With the use of a break even analysis, it is very easy to determine whether a firm is on the best track of doing business without making profits or losses.

References (2009). Break Even Point Analysis-Definition, Explanation Formula and Calculation. Retrieved from

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