The perennial problem of binge drinking, especially among college students, is an important issue that must be solved as soon as possible. Thesis: The binge-drinking-related problems in campus can be inherently solved by building up proper drinking belief from family education. Supporting subtopics: The gravity of binge-drinking-related problems has not been relieved in the recent decade, although college administrators have developed prevention programs and punishment policies to eliminate the phenomenon of binge drinking. The persistently unsolved problem should be attributed to that the major focus of previous attempts has generally been on “preventing binge-drinking behavior per se” (root). To solve binge-drinking related problems by prohibiting binge drinking is …show more content…
As a matter of fact, binge drinking would not necessarily lead to negative consequences. For example, “consider the individual who perceives that drinking alcohol is likely to lead to physical harm. This individual is perhaps less likely to engage in behaviors after drinking that are highly related to experiencing negative consequences relative to individuals who do not hold that belief” (root). Binge drinking in campus is universally recognized as misconduct, but the degree of its consequence is determined by the drinking belief of the drinkers. In certain occasions, such as birthday parties, binge drinking is inevitable. But if the college students hold the drinking belief that any immoral, illegal or dangerous activities should be avoided after binge drinking with their friends, in all probability, they would not suffer from the potential negative consequences. Additionally, when there exist a few fellows with proper alcohol awareness among the drinkers in a party, they can help lower the risk of alcohol-related hazards of their friends in the party significantly
In Henry Wechsler’s, “Getting Serious about Eradicating Binge Drinking”, he discusses the issue of binge drinking. Binge drinking is an extensive problem on college campuses. The majority of colleges merely focus on the student, rather than what encourages students to drink. Fraternities, sororities, and athletics are huge sources of the students on campus who drink. There are many approaches colleges can take to decrease the problem, and many colleges are already getting a head start. It is also important to not ignore how often colleges indirectly encourage students to drink (20).
First, colleges and universities are unaware that there is a problem within their institution. Second, the solution provided to stop binge drinking are to make students go to lectures or implement new rules. Lastly, due to the lack of enforcement on new policies made to regulate drinking among campuses, this solution does not make an impact. Wechsler believes that colleges have a responsibility to take action but the core of the problem is only sporadically touched. The author explains that the students should not be held responsible for their drinking but rather the institutions in which the incident took
As many teenagers enter college, they begin to experiment with many things. Although not all students participate in underage drinking, it is evident that a vast majority do. Drinking is not the problem. The main problem occurs when students resort to binge drinking. In the
Binge drinking is considered to be a health problem because nearly half of all college students have reported to drink more than 5 drinks is a short period of time (Hennessee, 2013). There has been about 1,825 college students who have died from alcohol-related injuries such as motor-vehicle crashes with the students being between 18 - 24 years old (College Drinking Fact Sheet, 2015). An increase of 6% of college deaths has occurred due to binge breaking increasing the total amount from 1,600 to 1,700 (Hingson, Heeren, & Wechsler, n.d.).
“According to the CDC, about 90% of all teen alcohol consumption occurs in the form of Binge Drinking, which experts say peaks at the age of nineteen.” (qtd by Listfield). Binge Drinking is the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. The author, Emily Listfield, defines that the standard alcohol consumption over a two hour period is considered to be four beers for women and five beers for men. This has become a great distraction for college students nationwide and a major dilemma on college campuses. Nearly two hundred thousand students visit emergency rooms each year due to the abuse of alcohol, and more than one thousand seven hundred students die. In the article “ The Underage Drinking Epidemic”, Listfield identifies the problems that underage drinking can cause, the dangers that could happen, and four solutions on what parents can do to keep their kids from binge drinking.
Alcohol abuse is a serious health problem when it comes to college students. "The average amount of binge drinkers on college campuses is 50% of men and 39% of women" (<a href=""></a>). There are various reasons why students drink and serious short and long term effects on the body and mind. Alcoholism is a serious problem for college students and there are many actions being taken to try to lessen the problem among colleges throughout the country.
“From the moment freshmen set foot on campus, they are steeped in a culture that encourages them to drink, and drink heavily. At many schools, social life is still synonymous with alcohol-lubricated gatherings” (Cohen). Binge drinking is a huge aspect of the culture of college life; many college students binge drink to become socially accepted in a particular group. Binge drinking is not only
Research has supported the observation that young people in America consume alcohol regularly; this prevalence of use increases rapidly during adolescence, as well as a few years afterward (Wagenaar and Wolfson 37). This has come to be a problem among college students. It has been shown through extensive quantitative and qualitative research that those under twenty-one years of age are able to obtain alcohol, which allows them to binge drink. Binge drinking holds many problems for college students: alcohol poisoning, DUIs, traffic accidents, and even fatalities.
“80 percent of teen-agers have tried alcohol, and that alcohol was a contributing factor in the top three causes of death among teens: accidents, homicide and suicide” (Underage, pg 3). Students may use drinking as a form of socializing, but is it really as good as it seems? The tradition of drinking has developed into a kind of “culture” fixed in every level of the college student environment. Customs handed down through generations of college drinkers reinforce students' expectation that alcohol is a necessary ingredient for social success. These perceptions of drinking are the going to ruin the lives of the students because it will lead to the development alcoholism. College students who drink a lot, while in a college
In Alcohol, Tobacco, and Caffeine, shows that alcohol is a serious issue on campus universities. Especially being a binge drinkers, who are the cause of deaths, lack of interest in college, and even rape. However, university presidents are concerned about the student’s behavior on campus with alcohol use. They attend to provided leadership groups that help with students on alcohol abuse,
College drinking is a major problem and it affects the lives of students their families and the community. As the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism website notes: “About four out of five college students drink alcohol. . .” (“College Drinking”). The Affects of alcohol have impacted the lives of many people. I believe drinking is a problem, and believe that it is a problem that it is often overlooked by Parents, colleges, and students. Parents, colleges, and students need to learn about college drinking, the factors that make it a problem, and how to prevent students from drinking while attending college or limit
Alcohol use among college students has always been a popular subject among teachers, parents, researchers, and even students. The actual act of drinking alcohol is not necessarily the problem, whether legal or not. The main problem is the act of binge drinking of college students, of age or not. Drinking modest amounts of alcohol may have some consequences, but binge drinking has more negative consequences than normal modest drinking. There are many examples as to the consequences that binge drinking can cause to college student’s lives, but one of the main consequences that students face as a result of frequent drinking is poor academic final grades.
Binge or excessive drinking is the most serious problem affecting social life, health, and education on college campuses today. Binge or excessive drinking by college students has become a social phenomena in which college students do not acknowledge the health risks that are involved with their excessive drinking habits. Furthermore college students do not know enough about alcohol in general and what exactly it does to the body or they do not pay attention to the information given to them. There needs to be a complete saturation on the campus and surrounding areas, including businesses and the media, expressing how excessive drinking is not attractive and not socially
There is no doubt that college campuses are filled with alcohol and parties. Many students engage in alcohol consumption and some also use drugs. Although alcohol use is widely accepted in the college student population there are intervention plans attempting to limit alcohol consumption to protect students from the negative consequences associated with alcohol abuse. This is a compilation of a few different behavioral intervention strategies for reducing alcohol consumption in college age students. According to Dr. Amaro of the Institute on Urban Research at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts and Reed, Rowe, Picci, Mantella, and Prado, (2010), implementation of the “Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS)” can be linked to safer drinking practices among college students (2010). Two of the articles used for this research are about brief intervention strategies for college students. There was an interesting theory based intervention strategy, whose goal was to reduce pre-drinking (Caudwell, Mullan, Hagger, 2016). Pre-drinking is the act of drinking before going to the planned event for the night. Electronic interventions were also a mentioned method. One case study utilized an alternative counseling protocol with a combination of a brief intervention strategy as well. Self-monitoring interventions are a useful way to
“About four out of five college students drink alcohol” (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). College culture has grown to incorporate a diverse range of activities over the years. Unfortunately, drinking has found itself to be one of them. With majority of college students consuming large amounts of alcohol daily, the safety of those and others around them is put into great risk. Binge drinking, consumption of large amounts of alcohol in short periods of time, destroys kid’s mental and physical states momentarily, leading to injury and death. Even though some may believe otherwise, alcohol use should be restricted on college students in college cities.