
Binge Watching : Good Or Bad?

Decent Essays

Binge Watching: Good or Bad?
Binge watching also referred to as binge-viewing or marathon-viewing is watching television or a single television show for a long time span. It has become a very popular cultural phenomenon because of the online media services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon video. Viewers can also watch television shows and movies on-demand in a binge-viewing manner with cable and satellite services such as Time Warner Cable, Dish Network, and DirecTV. Movie apps and Amazon Fire TV stick also make binge watching adaptable. These companies offer their patrons their services at very affordable prices and therefore making it that much more convenient. Entire seasons of shows such as Orange Is the New Black and House of Cards are just two of the many shows viewers can indulge in. Other shows that are shown on television and not released at the same time, such as Breaking Bad and Undercover Boss can be found on Netflix and encourages binge watching. Binge watching has changed the relationship between the series and its audience in many different ways such as giving the viewer total control to choose when and where and for how long he or she wants to view the show.
Today’s audience is very diverse. A typical day can include preparing your family for school and work, working a full time job, preparing your family for bedtime and maybe, if you’re lucky, watching so television. This all sounds so simple but when you consider what preparing your family for school

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