
Biography Of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli 's Influence On The Contribution Of Significant People Or Schools Of Thought

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“The Christian Tradition today, has been guided, changed and influenced by the contribution of significant people or schools of thought”

Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was born on the 25th November 1881 in Bermago, Italy. Being born into a poor family with 12 other siblings, Angelo was the brightest and the oldest boy. Being a bright boy from a young age he was guided towards priesthood where he was sent to a seminary to study since his parents were to poor to afford to send him to a school. While studying at the seminary his interest for Christianity grew. He then studied in Rome having earned a scholarship. Roncallli was ordained not long after in 1904. This was the start of his social justice work which grew stronger when he was servicing …show more content…

He changed the language from latin to english which was and is the most common spoken language. This change was to make everyone feel they are welcome and are not restricted to another domination because of the language. These changes not only affect the one religion, Christianity but it also affected Judaism. Christians became aware of their religion being very similar to Christianity. “He removed certain words offensive to Jews from the official liturgy of the church”. [2] This formed a new relationship between the two religions which was the purpose of the Vatican II. Today Pope John XXIII’s actions during the Vatican II influence our thoughts towards other religions to be respectful and therefore have changed the way we treat other traditions, denominations and religions.

From a young age Pope John XXIII has believed he can achieve true world peace through social justice. During the Vatican II Pope John XXIII released two encyclicals. One of the encyclicals is call “Mater et Magistra”. Mater et Magistra was written by Pope John XXIII and was about Christianity and social progress and to give human dignity. Mater et Magistra means “mother and teacher”. This encyclicals was written and released to draw attention to each person to bring out social justice to the world. [3] “It is a right which must be exercised not only for one 's own personal benefit but

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