
Biography Of Jesus Research Paper

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Jesus is the founder of christianity, which is why the refer to him as the son of God. Christians all over the world await him in what is called the “ second coming “ or the “ return of the messiah”. The synoptic Gospels ( the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke ) focus on the life or biography of Jesus. Most modern scholars believe Jesus really existed due to evident documents and sites as exactly depicted in the holy Bible ( the most religious book of the christians ) and in the Quran ( the holiest book of the Muslims ). Jesus is believed to be the greatest man to walk the earth due to his impact in creating the two largest religious denominations apart from Judaism which was created by Abraham ( the father of faith ) and popularised by Moses …show more content…

As the son of God, Jesus had more of a mission than a career. His missionary journey started after he was baptized by John the Baptist ( the last recorded prophet in the bible ) in the river Jordan which was at the West Bank border of Israel. During his baptism, the Holy Spirit came upon him and that was when he received his great power. His first recorded mission was when he turned water into wine at a wedding in Canaan. It was also recorded that he went into the wilderness to fast and pray for forty days and forty nights and was also put to test when the Devil tempted him which he overcame. After that, he also went around healing the sick and casting out devils from the possessed ( it is often said that Jesus was so powerful that the demons knew who he was ). Even without a career, Jesus still obeyed civil laws and paid taxes to Caesar ( then Jewish Government ). As recorded, most of his life was more of helping people without requiring financial service. After the death of Jesus, a supernatural occurrence happened, this occurrence is called “ pentecost “ this was the day the Holy Spirit descended upon 3000 people who were present in the upper room ( where the last supper was held ) on the passover after Jesus ascended into heaven. The Holy Spirit gave them fruits and gifts. Fruits like love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. And gifts like wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord (wonder). With this fruits and gifts, the anointed people had the same power as Jesus including the ability to raise the dead and healing those with infirmities. During these period, those who believed in the power of Jesus faced persecution in the most gruesome ways. James ( the son of Zebedee ) who was an apostle

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