
Biography Of Rosa Parks

Decent Essays

When Rosa parks was younger, she struggled with the lack of racial equality. When Rosa's parents separated he and her mother moved to Alabama. Her mother taught how to read at a young age, then later went to a school called pine level. When they went there they had to walk to school and they created a separate school for whites.
When Rosa parks was younger, she struggled with racism and racial equality. When Rosa's parents separated he and her mother moved to Alabama. Her mother taught how to read at a young age, then later went to a school called pine level. When they went there they had to walk to school and they created a separate school for whites.Rosa parks one day after work went on the bus and was very tired, sat down and waited like any other person to get home. When it got too crowded the bus driver stopped the bus and told the all to get up 4 got up. Rosa standing up for herself did not she stood her ground. When she did not the bus driver called the police and had her arrested. E.D Nixon later made a plan for all African Americans to boycott the Montgomery bus. They were encouraged to stay home, walk to work, and take a cab. With most African aren't and riding the bus they believed this would work.Even though Rosa parks became a symbol for the civil rights movement, she suffered great lose after getting arrested, she lost her job and her husband got fired from his job. After this happened to Rosa and her husband moved to Detroit Michigan. There they started a …show more content…

Award. She was also awarded an other award from Bill Clinton was presidential medal of freedom award. She got so many more medals and was in times magazines "the 20 most influential people of the 20th century". Rosa died at the age of 92 years old in her apartment. She was told a year prior to her death that she had dementia. She had many memorial service in her honor. 50,000 people viewed her

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