
Essay on Biography of Albert Arnold Gore

Decent Essays

Biography of Albert Arnold Gore

On March 31, 1948 Albert Arnold Gore Jr. was born in Washington D.C. He was born into a highly political family. Albert Gore Sr. was serving his fifth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Tennessee's fourth Congressional District. His mother Pauline worked side by side with her husband in the office. Al was their second child. He had an older sister Nancy who was ten years older than him. Albert Gore Jr. lived two different lives while growing up. During the winter months he lived with his parents in an apartment in the Fairfax Hotel. During the summer months and vacation he moved to the Gore's 250-acre farm in Carthage, Tennessee.

When Al …show more content…

Later Gore entered the Vanderbilt University Law School.

Al Gore had many characteristics that made him important and got him to where he is. In the March of 1981 while Gore served in Congress for Tennessee, he introduced a comprehensive arms control proposal. This proposal served as an example of his tendency to master details of complicated issues, including arms control, the environment and technology. Gore was very intelligent and was a serious student who studied hard always. Those efforts got him into prestigious schools, which helped him make it in this world. Albert was physically strong, as Bill Clinton said, which was important considering the energy needed to wage a forceful campaign. Gore was mentally strong as well. When his sister Nancy lost her battle with lung cancer and Albert Gore III was struck by a car and seriously injured, he entered a slight stage of depression. He received therapy and quickly recovered and built up a courageous and fearless mentality.

Having a job in government means having a full time commitment to making contributions to society. Al Gore has definitely made many contributions to society. During Al Gore's time in the House of Representatives he addressed the subject that had always interested him -the environment. There he held hearings about the dumping of toxic wastes. He sponsored the Superfund, which could be used by

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