
Biography of Samuel F.B. Morse Essay

Decent Essays

Samuel F. B. Morse was one of the greatest inventors of the 19th century; he was the invention of the singled-wire telegraph machine that influenced the Industrial Revolution in America and the Morse code led way to many future innovations. Samuel Morse was not just an inventor; he was also a painter that did works such as The Chapel of the Virgin at Subiaco and The Gallery of the Louvre 1831 – 1833 to portraits of famous politicians such as John Adams. Samuel F. B. Morse was born in Charleston, Massachusetts on April 17, 1791. He was the son of a geographer and pastor Jedidiah Morse and Elizabeth Ann Finley Breese. Samuel Morris was originally interested in painting; his paintings usually put in more detail to the austere facial …show more content…

Samuel Morse ran into problems during the development of the telegraph machine, the telegraph machine could only transmit information for a little bit more than a few hundred yards due to the loss of current over long distances. Not until Professor Leonard Gale, of New York University, that helped improved Morse’s design that used superior batteries and electromagnets that enabled it to transfer currents over great distances. After the help of Gale, Samuel Morse had perfected his telegraph; it was able to send signals over great distances. Although his Journey wasn’t over, he now had to send his work to Washington where he awaited to be approved by Congress. He attended both sessions of Congress, from 1837 to 1838 and another one in 1842 to 1843. During the last day of the session, which was March 3, 1843, he “spent the whole day and part of the evening in the Senate chamber, anxiously watching the progress of the passing of the various bills” (Morse) to watch the bill get passed, he was awarded $30,000 to set up the very first telegraph machine from Washington to Baltimore. His first telegraph machine was made from household instruments that consisted of “an old picture or canvas frame fastened to a table; the wheels of an old wooden clock […] and a short circuit of a wire, embracing the helices of the electro-magnet connected with the positive and negative poles of the battery and terminating the mercury-cups” (Morse). His “apparatus” was so crude

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