
Biological Sex And Gender Roles

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Biological sex refers to both genetic and anatomic. It is different from gender because there is assigned gender which is given to a child at birth and gender identity which is “a person’s internal sense of being male or female” (127). Additionally, there are gender roles which differ by culture and it presents how a person should behavior, the responsibilities a person should have, and their rights based on their sex. Cultural differences can be seen when comparing Arapesh of New Guinea and the Mundugumor. Arapesh men and women both have feminine gender roles, they are “passive, cooperative, peaceful, and nurturing” (130). In contrast Mundugumor men and women have male gender roles because they act aggressively. With the concept of …show more content…

Lastly psychosocial includes “assigned gender and gender identity” (128). Gender identity seems to be a process. For example, young children are not aware that they are male or female, but they are provided verbal cues. At the age 3, children are able to identify male and female through their physical appearances, such as hair and clothes. When children are 4-5, they have learned how boys and girls should behave (129). Socialization also affects how a child views gender. As a child grows the person that they learn the most from is their primary care giver. That can be a parent, grandparent or other family member. Primary caregivers provide different cues for their children depending on their gender. For example, they will be gentler with girls than they are boys. Boys are not encouraged to cry. Thus, they teach their girls to be soft and their boys to be tough. Boys and girls are also told to play with specific toys. Boys are not allowed to play with dolls, but girls are. Another person important to a child’s socialization are their teachers. They can encourage children to participate in gender specific games. Lastly, a child’s peers also act as a socializing agent. They provide “gender role norms” and that influences what the child plays, how they act, and what they like (133-136). By referring to men and women as the opposite sex makes a person’s view of gender very narrow. It cannot be refuted that biologically men

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