
Bipolar Disorder Essay

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Bipolar Disorder

It is generally understood that everyone has good and bad days. A phrase people are familiar with is "everyone has their ups and downs". Most people, to a certain extent, are able to control their moods, whether it is good or bad. However, people who suffer from bipolar disorder sometimes are unable to control their moods. People with bipolar disorder experience sudden and, at times, severe mood swings, shifting from manic to depressive moods. Bipolar disorder is not gender bias; both men and women are equally susceptible to it (3). About 1% of adults and children suffer from bipolar disorder, but this figure is probably not accurate because bipolar disorder is difficult to detect and is often misdiagnosed. The …show more content…

Bipolar I disorder is used to classify sufferers who experience at least one mania or mixed episode each episode, and may or may not suffer from depression. Bipolar II disorder is used to classify sufferers who experience at least one depressive episode and at least on hypo mania (less severe than mania) episode. Those classified with bipolar II disorder do not experience a full manic episode or mixed episode. There are also different subtypes of bipolar disorder, depending on the frequency of the episodes. A person suffers from rapid cycling when he/she experiences four or more episodes per year. Ultra rapid cycling is similar to rapid cycling except the episodes occur more often, experiencing four or more episodes per week. Sometimes the occurrence of episodes may be predictable, or exhibit some sort of pattern. One of the patterns observed is the seasonal pattern. Observations show that the season, often spring or summer, affect the onset of episodes (1).

The cause of bipolar disorder is not completely known. Researches agree that there is a genetic component linked to the disorder. Studies show that first-degree relatives of people affected with bipolar disorder are about seven times more likely to develop bipolar disorder (4). Twin studies show if one identical twin has bipolar disorder, the second one has a 70% chance of developing the disorder within his/her lifetime. Despite the observations

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