The author I chose to write about is Bishop T.D. Jakes who is also an author,pastor and filmmaker. The books that he has written have been very influential to thousands of people and the way he writes his books is mainly because of the way he grew up,his surroundings, and what he was taught. Ever since he was a little boy all he knew was church and as he had gotten older he became a best-selling author, but he wasn't always so successful all the time he had to start from the ground up. The very first church he used to preach at only had ten members that grew to about fifty,but in a few years those fifty members expanded to millions of people and he transformed that small amount of people of fifty to a multi-million dollar ministry. Someone …show more content…
His ministry is an example of how all churches should be or strive to be, and if you haven’t noticed Sunday is the most segregated day of the week but he has done a great job of not letting that be the case for his church and he did this just by being his natural self. The people liked what they were receiving from him and he didn’t have to change who he was they adjusted to him. Of course all of these accomplishments he could not have done on his own but with the Grace of God and the guidance from his parents that he had as a young child helped him to become the man he is today. This all goes back to who influenced him and with the traits he received from his father of being a hard-worker and having that drive of determination. With this he would be able to work through obstacles and roadblocks and he was able to push past whatever he went through because of that influence that his father had on him and that played a part of where he was headed in life. Another contribution to this was his mother's teachings and lessons that helped him to navigate through life and be the successful man he is and she played a big part in this also because without her giving him the wisdom and the word of God he wouldn't be where he is at today including his high social status. When his parents put him in a good environment and placed him around the church at a very young age they probably didn’t know but they were really preparing him for his destiny in life. The latest book he has written was in 2017 called Soar!: Build Your Vision from the Ground Up and in this inspirational book he uses examples and life lessons from his own life and personal experiences for entrepreneurs to have the mindset of a business owner. He furthermore explains that his father had a very huge impact on
A successful Christian business man may sound like an oxymoron, but that was R.G LeTourneau. He built big, powerful machinery that could do things that no other machine could do before, but he also believes that a Christian business man owes as much to God as a preacher does (LeTourneau, 1967). Mr. LeTourneau states, “God needs businessmen as partners as well as preachers” (1967). Imagine a man becoming a very successful Christian business man, the founder of LeTourneau University, and a leader of many missionary works. The proceeding essay will discuss the man, his faith, and my personal reflection of R.G. LeTourneau.
Frederick Buechner is a well-known theologian and writer. His extensive amounts of written work “encompasses many genres, including fiction, autobiography, essays, sermons, and other nonfiction” ( Along with this, his “writing has often been praised for its ability to inspire readers to see the grace in their daily lives”( From his book Telling Secrets the reader learns about some of the challenges
After a lot of praying he really felt that the Holy Spirit was calling him into this ministry. Being as he was so opposed to it for so long he figured the best way to fully minister to this group of people was to live with them. He began going to gay bars, hanging out in Boystown, the GLBT community in Chicago, and completely immersing himself in the culture
While healing from his third-degree burns, he re-devoted himself to the faith he believed in. After recovering, he bought himself a church. It was the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Memphis. He began having services there and turned back to gospel music.
Having to research each party, I found out that Republicans and Democrats are way farther apart than at any point in history. Each party such as the Republicans and Democrats express their point of view by giving negative views of the opposite party. The republicans want to end slavery for good making their symbol as an elephant. The Democrats were people who support slavery and disagree with it as well. The democrats have the donkey as a symbol, symbolizing “let the people rule”. Looking at the graph, the Democrat Party has jumped from 17% to 43% in the last 20 years. The Republican Party has also gained more people jumping from 16% to 38%.
He said, “Don’t ever discount the value of the church family. My family and I could not have made it this far without the love and encouragement of other Christians. The church family has served us faithfully in good times and bad times.” Then he said, “My moto for many years is expressed in the words of an old hymn,” which he quoted: “I know the Lord will find a way for me. If I walk in heaven’s light, Shun the wrong and do the right, I know the Lord will find a way for me. The Lord has said, ‘Go preach the word to all the world,’ Won’t it be grand to hear Him say, ‘Well done,’ If I walk in heaven’s light, Shun the wrong, and do the
D. L. Moody the greatest evangelist of the nineteenth century is written by Faith Coxe Bailey. Dwight L. Moody lived in Connecticut River valley. The book starts him off at a young age of 16. He had a very pessimistic attitude about his life, how he worked all year long without a break, but this young man did not know what the Lord was holding for him in the future. God used Dwight in multiple ways. Dwight in the end, though very ill, still did what the Lord was telling him to do.
They call me Jake the Thief. And at this moment the thing furthest from my mind is to sound preachy, when I ask, have you ever studied the different epochs of history, since the beginning of time. And try as you might, to assemble the information in a way that made sense and regardless of how you assemble the facts they demonstrate over and over again how the ruling upper class of societies dominated the lower class as well as the working class, and that they created the middle class merely as a buffer zone to separate the haves from the have nots. Furthermore, it’s blatantly obvious that whenever, the middle class chose to revolt against the oppressive ruling class they formed the lower class and working class into terrorizing mobs by baiting
Most importantly whatever you think of Osteen's theology, you can't deny his ability to connect to his followers. In a summary, Osteen did not plan to become a pastor but he did and he is good at it. Osteen still today presides at his church and has become such a great inspiration to the country. His worth has increased, not by money but by God and his views and he has changed thousands of
Three animals in the book 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell are like three teachers who work at Trinity Lutheran School. Boxer is a horse with amazing strength and loyalty to Comrade Napoleon. In the book he works hard for the good of the farm, and sets standards for himself. He asks the rooster to wake him up an hour early to support the creation of the windmill, holds the stones up when the other animals' strength fails, and always follows the words of Comrade Napoleon. He is loyal and kind to all the animals on the farm, and shows them a good example to follow.
You think just get up on Sunday morning and go to church and preach a sermon; however, there is a lot more to it than that and many side jobs go along with being a pastor. Pastor Eric has to study for his sermon, Sunday School group, and he makes time for his own studies. In between studying, he is dealing with the grief of deaths, marriage counseling, comforting the sick, celebrating new births, visiting hospitals, visiting the homebound to allow them to participate in communion, listening to people and their struggles, helping the community on many levels, participating with the schools, and so much more. Atticus’ quote from To Kill a Mockingbird means a whole lot more to me now that I know what it means to “Climb in someone's skin.” I only had a brief view into Pastor Eric’s life as a pastor but it was very certainly eye opening to see a glimpse of what it is really like. Being a pastor is a lot of work. I learned never to judge someone based on my thoughts, because walking in their shoes is a totally different path than the one I imagined in my head and I would advise others to take this advice as
Being a small child he was obsessed with the idea of servicing God and his Word. He always tried to influence his peers, trying to show them the saintly and the proper path of truth. This time was the time of formation of his leadership spirit. Despite the fact that no one listened to him, he did not give up; it may seem strange, but he was weekly preaching four dogs at a local chapel. He has no support in his family, therefore he found it at one of the village residents; she believed in him with all her heart, supporting his pure effort. Once he asked her: “Can I be like a Mr. Kennedy when I grow up?” These words are the best reflection of his huge desire and eagerness for leadership and recognition.
Another influential speaker was Gil Fonger, Gil is a very charismatic leader, speaking to us about his life experiences in business and his faith journey. Mr. Fonger’s event was named “Leading with Values in Today’s World.” In addition, Christian Business Leaders donated $200 to Marklund, which is a home for adults and children with profound disabilities. The money we donated helped with the Marklund’s Children home.This impact has been to encourage students in their faith and in how they can incorporate that faith into their future careers.
Understanding a person’s life and struggles helps explain his or her character and leadership qualities. Smallwood E. Williams was born on October 17, 1907 in Virginia. He moved to Columbus, Ohio with his mother and stepfather when he was only eleven years old. Williams lost his father when he was an infant (Taylor 50). Upon moving to Columbus in 1918, his mother joined Bishop Robert Lawson’s Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith (COOLJC) and began taking Williams there every Sunday. A few years later, at age fourteen, Williams started preaching at the church while attending school. In fact, people started calling him “Boy-Wonder Preacher” mainly after his travel to New York City to preach at Lawson’s Refuge Church of Christ
Strong leadership is vital to the success of any business, institution, school, team, or even church. Leaders that are considered effective encompass a leadership style and qualities that work to influence and motivate their followers. Joel Osteen, an evangelical pastor from Houston, Texas is truly one of the 21st centuries most captivating leaders. So much so, that he as selected by Barbara Walters as one of her 10 Most Fascinating People of 2016 (ABC News, 2006). His appeal is a phenomenon that is unmatched by any other current leaders in his profession. Over the past 15 years he has built a church, where he ministers one of the largest and most diverse congregations in America (Romano, 2005). Aside from his 45,000 attendees at his weekly services, his sermon is broadcasted in every television market in the United States and in over 100 other nations around the world (“About Joel,” n.d.). Joel Osteen is a prime example of a compelling leader who practices an effective leadership style that resonates with people on a personal level.