
Bitumen Love In Boy At The Window By Richard Wilbur

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Bitumen Love Nothing is forever. Leaves fall off tress and fade away, making the presence of a once beautiful and healthy tree, a cold and dead caucus. Just like trees, a childhood of an innocent, sweet little boy vanishes over time, morphing the child into a depressed human with no joy; no happiness; no life. “Boy at the Window,” by Richard Wilbur, portrays a sense of hope, warmth, and compassion. Through this piece of literature, Wilbur explicitly presents a young boy’s emotions towards a snowman through pint of view, personification, connotation, and irony. There are some children who have large imaginations, while others only exceed to the edge if what they know. The boy in this poem leads the reader to believe that his imagination expands further than anyone else’s. Although this little boy has a great imagination, his point of view isn’t the happiest. In the first stanza in “Boy at the Window” only the boy’s point of view is shown. Through Wilbur’s diction, the child is expressed with melancholy emotions. The little boy wants the snowman to come inside because there will be a blizzard. The boy has tears in his eyes and line three states, “The small boy weeps to hear the wind prepare…” As the boy stares at the butter life beyond the window pane, his heart only longs for the snowman’s presence inside and feels pain. Some pieces of literature focus on a character’s point of view, but Richard Wilbur focuses on two points of view. While the first is the boy, the second

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