
Black Holes: What Scientist Know About Them Essay

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Space has been mesmerizing humans since the beginning of time; from the fascinated star-gazing child to the great minds of Plato, Aristotle, and Galileo. Space contains countless mysteries. One of these mysteries is black holes. As far as information about space goes, scientists know a moderate amount of information about black holes. Scientists know how black holes are made, how they affect objects around them, and how to spot them in space. Firstly, there are different types of black holes: Astrophysical, Supermassive, Mathematical, and Physical. A Physical, or regular, black hole is then categorized by its three properties: mass, spin, and magnetic field. A black hole with no spin and no magnetic field is a Schwarzchild black hole. A …show more content…

Reissner-Nordstrøm and Kerr black holes also have a static limit. The static limit is the boundary between the ergosphere and normal space. Also, black holes are not static objects. Dieter Brill states that “a black hole grows as more matter falls through its horizon.” The Schwarzchild black hole was the first type of black hole to be discovered. Einstein created a mathematical formula that he thought was purely hypothetical, however, an astronomer by the name of Karl Schwarzchild discovered a way to apply Einstein’s formula in a manner that would prove black hole existence. Scientist then knew what to look for in space and discovered black holes shortly after. The Reissner-Nordstrøm black hole is more common than the Schwarzchild black hole. The spin from the Reissner-Nordstrøm black hole makes it have some different properties than a non-spinning black hole. The spin causes space and time to be distorted around the event horizon. Finally, for regular physical black holes, there is the Kerr black hole. The Kerr black hole spins and has a magnetic field which drastically increases the amount of distortion of time and space near the event horizon. The following picture depicts how a black hole would look to an observer from a side view, similar to how we see Saturn. Astrophysicst Jean-Pierre Kuminet explains is as:
In an ordinary situation, meaning in Euclidean space, the curvature is weak. This is the case in the

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