
Black Masculinity In King Kong

Satisfactory Essays

1. NFS – Dines – King Kong and the white woman: Hustler magazine and the demonization of black masculinity pg. 89
• I can say that this film illustrates a racist image from black men referring to the demonization of black masculinity on King Kong movie.
• It is true how stream media portrait a bad image to black male, and it creates a big problem to the black community.
• For example it affect them in the way that white people discriminate them, and see a black male as a bad person.
• Many cases where we see a problem it is a black male being arrest in a bad way with brutality and with discrimination.

2. NFS – Jensen – Blow bangs and cluster bombs: The cruelty of men and Americans
• I can say it is crazy the method that pilots used to do

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