Black-Up Mazama: When is it a good time to call you on Friday to chat-chat? Mojo and I are on our way to Beautiful and Hot Valley Green to take easy walk in my type of weather--Burning Hot in the Shade. I have made some improvement in my Joints; from 60% to 70% overall strength, which means I can walk around the house without my cane. My best was 85% to 90%, which is good given my total number of Joints Surgeries were four (one left hip and three right knee). So, I am training to get walk, heat and strength ready for Haiti. Also, I am fasting for seven to ten days to get back to my prime fighting and summer weight. In Easy Training, Brother Ibo
Hi guys! This past weekend we were graced with a much needed fall break. After a few weeks of constant studying, it was nice to have a four day weekend to sit back and relax. After my two tests on Friday I drove seven hours to meet my dad and my girlfriend's dad in Pittsfield Illinois for a few day hunting trip at a lease that my dad has. It was a long drive, but it was worth it when I arrived to a 16oz prime rib at one of my favorite restaurants, the Red Dome. Unfortunately the corn and soybeans had not yet been cut around our farm so we did not see as many deer as usual, but we still had fun and relaxed for a few days.
I am so sorry that I could not have been on the call this evening. At this moment, I am going though intensive training until 10pm to be an Orientation Leader for this summer. I do hope that you all can understand my predicament.
Kris: Monday is here next week and then will be gone the rest of the week starting July.
Hi Sam- Overall, I think this weekend went great except for Brooke not showing up to her schedule Sonny's shifts. To my understand, she will most likely not be with us anymore since she is no help to us and can't even show up to training unfortunately. Breaks have been covered all weekend and I made sure all opening and closing procedures were completed at both Sonny's and Mixx as usual. I did talk to Odalis and to make sure she was all set for her schedule for the next two weeks at The Grind and told her to contact me if she had any concerns. Her availability just needs to be updated for weekdays where she is scheduled at 3 p.m. due to school but she will be able to come in at 4 p.m. on weekdays which I told her for these scheduled shifts
Thank you so much for having me at the Taylor Hatchery again. I plan to be able to get down there and start sampling by the end of next week when we are able to get our sampling kits. I wanted to write to you to ask what day would work best for you to have a phone meeting with Dr. Hirschberg and myself. I want to make sure that everyone is in communication around this summer project. Dr. Hirschberg also expressed an interest in having another trip down there and was wondering what day would be at the most convince to you. I do not want to bother you during your busy days.
Some northerners believed that the black codes where a backdoor attempt at reestablishing slavery. I do agree, I agree because they wanted slavery they wanted people to work for them and not have to pay them. The black codes were put into place to restrict what blacks did. When blacks gained rights the black codes basically just took them away. White’s would scare them into working for them and the black codes just helped that. They would either pay them really low wages or put them debt. This is just a few reasons why I believe that the black codes were just a backdoor attempt to get slavery back.
We are on week four, time is going by fast. I Just got home and went strait to my office, I want to get the class started, I am happy about my graded test last week I did well.
In 1797, cotton gin was discovered. Cotton production made the United States expand and started the Market Revolution. As the county continue to expand, economic opportunities grew even further. But even though there were many opportunities in the 19th century, due to race, ethnicity and even class, not all people living in the United States get to enjoy those opportunities. Race and ethnicity affected the economic opportunities of ethnic groups due to certain laws, rules and regulations made by Anglo-Americans.
It is unfortunate that we will be unable to meet on April 8th. Will you be in the states on April 5th and if so could we possibly meet on April 5th instead of April 8th? If no, April 8th is fine by me, and I will take the NJ transit train from Newark to Princeton.Kind regards,
150-years have passed since the Civil Rights Act and Black Codes were implemented. It becomes easy for the general population and historians to criticize the reactions of the South. Sometimes though, you have to look at it from their point of view, they had just fought and lost a bitter war that threatened their livelihood and social way of life. A life that has been a part of the South for a better part of two centuries. They were now instructed to change their way of life based on new laws passed by Northern legislatures in Washington D.C.
"so sorry, but i'm sick had to skip class and leave work early today - i'm going to have to skip tonight. how about Saturday?"
In 1863 Lincoln passed the ten percent plan which meant ten percent of the Southern population had to take the loyalty oath. (Shultz, 2014). This angered Congress because it was soft towards the Ex-slaves. Congress passed the Wade-Davis Bill, it required fifty percent take the loyalty oath. After Lincoln was assassinated, President Johnson altered The Freedmen’s Bureau which had been created in 1865. President Johnson did not deter the Southern states from developing the Black Codes which caused friction between white and blacks. Creating Radical Republicans was Congress’s answer to the Black Codes. Furthermore, Congress gained control over the president. They attempted to impeach President Johnson, but failed by one vote. They created the
Have you ever seen a student wear a hat in school or a hood in school? Students heads can get cold or they just got a new hat and they want people to see it. I believe that students should have the privilege to wear hats and hoods in school.
If there was any one person walking today that I would love to have an interview with, it would surely be Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Gail Winfrey was born January 29, 1954 in a rural impoverished town of Mississippi where she lived with her grandmother in her earlier years of life. Her mom was a teenage single mother. This coincides with my life which in some instances mirrors Oprah’s life in early childhood. My mom married at the age of 14 and had her first child at 15 years of age.
Mining is a process used to extract minerals that cannot be gotten through farming or agricultural techniques. It is the removal of elements found in the earth through several techniques. Some of these elements include Iron ore, copper, gold, silver, oil (crude oil), coal, tin, uranium, etc. Mining is described as the beginning of industrial and technological advancement.