
Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Blame is a way of escaping the phrase, “I am sorry”. Many people resort to blame only to defend themselves from taking responsibility for the actions they made. The book, It's Not My Fault: The No-Excuse Plan for Overcoming Life's Obstacles by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend contains a quote stating, “We live in a culture of blame. People will blame anyone or anything for their misery sooner than take the responsibility to own it and make it better.” The quote means that the society we live in contains a numerous amount of people who cause actions and blame others for what they have done wrong rather than taking the blame for it. This quote’s meaning is completely present in Romeo and Juliet, a play published by William Shakespeare. There are many accounts of blame which contributed to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Two factors that give reason for why Romeo and Juliet committed suicide is Mercutio telling Romeo to come to the Capulet party and Tybalt killing Mercutio. …show more content…

This one significant act allows Romeo to meet his future wife, Juliet. Once at the party, Romeo separates from his group and wanders around looking for other women. He then meets eyes with the daughter of Capulet, Juliet, dancing in the middle of the party. The two are quickly separated after Romeo dances with Juliet. They find each other yet again and sneak away into a room where Romeo seduces Juliet into the touching of hands and a kiss. Only after the end of the party do both of them learn each other’s names. This causes a ripple effect which leads them to become married the day after by Friar Lawrence. Their newfound love connection with each other becomes so strong to the point that if one of the lovers dies, the other would kill him or herself in order to be with them in an afterlife. Only after the marriage do we see Tybalt and Mercutio standing in the plaza in the next

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