
Blindness Essay Outline

Decent Essays

Intro Paragraph- hook: Background: Ever since we have been humans, blindness has been a problem. It has grown over time and gotten to be massive problem is a person’s everyday life.
Thesis: Blindness is a problem because most cases of blindness can be avoided, it’s increasing tremendously, technology isn’t made for the blind, learning has to be altered, and it’s expensive.

First Body Paragraph-
Blindness is a problem because most of the time it can’t be avoided. Although most people think that most cases of blindness can be avoided, but that’s not true. This is proven in an article posted by Everyday Health that was written by Tammy Worth, and medically reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD. Tammy states that, “Diabetes is the top cause of …show more content…

Second Body Paragraph-
Blindness is a problem because blindness cases are suppose to increase tremendously. In a research led by Rohit Varma, M.D., director of the University of Southern California's Roski Eye Institute. “The number of people with visual impairment or blindness in the United States is expected to double to more than 8 million by 2050.” Also found in the research led by Rohit Varma, M.D., they found “the number of people with legal blindness will increase by 21 percent each decade to 2 million by 2050.” The number of blindness cases are suppose to rise extremely. More and more people are going to be blind, which means more and more of the population is going to be affected by blindness. There are going to be tons of people affected by blindness, making blindness are big problem. Although most people don’t believe that blindness is increasing, they actually believe that blindness is decreasing. But that’s not true because Varma was able to show that blindness is in fact actually increasing through research.
Along with cases increasing, blindness is also a problem because technology is hard for blind people to use.

Third Body Paragraph-
Blindness is a problem because technology is getting harder for blind people to use. In an article posted by Kate Beck, a certified ophthalmic technician, she stated that “Technology poses a challenge for blind people as well. For example a blind person cannot read the information on a webpage.” When

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