
Bloody Chin Experience

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Bloody chin Your chin is important but I split my open. This is on of the most painful experience I had to go through. The rest of the summer was good until I had to get the stitches out. There will be a scare for ever. It all started on my scooter. I hit a crack in the side walk and went flying forwards. I saw my life flash before my eyes. Then I hit my chin on the curb and got up thinking I was fine for a second the blood rushed down my shirt and to the ground. When I saw the blood i felt the pain. We had just got a new house and now I have stained the carpet with my blood. My mom has at the store so we had to call her. After she got back I was rushed to the emergency room. The good thing was it was empty so we didn't have to wait. They also let me choose what I wanted to watch on the tv they had Netflix and Hulu. Which helped me calm down and stay calm. …show more content…

Before that they had to to spry my chin with a numbing agent. I thought that they were only going to use. Then they went to go get a needle and more numbing stuff that. Then they covered my eyes a gave me the shot. That had to hold me done so I didn't punch anyone because that was the sharpest pain and it lasted for five minutes. Then they came back to clean it out. They used a brown good that looked like it belonged in the

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