
Blue China Research Paper

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The iconic blue-and-white porcelain we have come to know as “fine china,” became popular around the time of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD). It became such a highly sought after piece of artwork that people used other materials in an attempt to replicate the authentic pieces. Pottery makers in the West tried to imitate the beautiful white and blue porcelain with earthenware but it was not nearly as beautiful as the pure porcelain that was being made in China by the Chinese pottery makers. “People have copied not only objects but the way they were made from the beginning of time. Now the most famous example of this is porcelain. It was a closely guarded secret in China and for centuries western ceramicists tried to make porcelain. And they really can’t do it until the 18th century - Takes hundreds of years even though they are busy copying the forms and shapes.” (Alan Chong). This shows the extent people were willing to go to get their hands on the luxurious porcelain. Mass production of the blue-and-white china started in the fourteenth-century in Jingdezhen; Often referred to as the porcelain capitol of China. Two pieces that illustrate this difference in material are a piece from Jingdezhen in the mid-fourteenth century and a piece titled Blue and White Dish with a Merchant Ship made around the …show more content…

As seen in the nameless piece discussed previously, putting a spin on one cultures designs can appeal to another in different ways. The Chinese porcelain was highly sought after and seen as a luxurious item due to its beauty and because it was rare. Western pottery makers were not able to make the pure porcelain like the Chinese until the eighteenth century. The desire for porcelain played a huge impact in the way trade was conducted. It allowed different countries to experience different cultures within their homes through the multicultural designs and influences of Chinese

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