Context Blue State Community College located in Mississippi is a small community college with a population of 5,000 students. The college which is located in a rural area is one of two community colleges in the state of Mississippi has recently undergone a leadership change. The former leader resigned amidst controversy. The Board of Trustees along with other entities is responsible for working with the Board of Governors to identify another leader. Case Summary The former president at Blue State Community College was forced to resign less than a week after the start of the Fall session. This left the college in disarray. In an average situation, the Provost of the college was the next Administrator in line to fill the position in an
In 1937, Meridian Community College (MCC) was founded as a part of Meridian High School in the local school system. In 1965, the College also formerly known as Meridian Junior College moved from its original location to its present location. In 1970, the College merged with the historically T.J. Harris Junior College according to a federal court order to the Meridian Municipal Separate School System. There were more than 400 students and faculty joined the MJC campus. In 1980, Meridian Junior College established its own district and Board of Trustees. In 1987, the College officially changed its name to Meridian Community College to reflect its mission and the diversity it provides to a growing community (
Berea College’s first attempt at a campus-wide bike share program called Berea Cycles ultimately failed, while its planned replacement Berea Bike Share, has been redesigned to be successful. The design of Berea Cycles failed because the lack of security and poor regulation of loaned bicycles provided opportunity for criminal behavior, while the Berea Bike Share Program is expected to succeed because of its implementation of crime deterring factors. Through the use of opportunity theory and general deterrence, the updated Berea Bike Share program attempts to correct the mistakes and oversights that occurred with the original program.
Brightwater Community College System is a rapidly growing community college system located in the central Georgia area. This community college system is comprised of four separate colleges and a systems office located in downtown Atlanta; these colleges are the Cobb County College (CCC), Atlanta Metropolitan College (AMC), Brightwater North College (BNC), and Brightwater Macon College (BMC). Brightwater has an unduplicated student headcount of 75,000 and the colleges enrollment has consistently grown year over year. At the helm of the college system is the system’s President Dr. James Lowe; Lowe has served as the President of the college system for 17 years and has seen the college grow from one standalone college in downtown Atlanta to the 4 college system that exists today. Lowe is planning to announced a three-year succession plan at the end of which he plans to step down from the role of President and turn the reigns of the institution over to another individual. Part of Lowe’s three-year plan involves a realignment of the organization’s instructional and student services to meet the future needs of Brightwater.
I have the answers to question # 2 and 3 for Collin College. Please see below and let me know if you have any questions or need any additional supporting documentation or information.
I believe If accepted into Appalachian State University I would exude in both academically and both socially. Appalachian provides many appealing aspects to me, prominently their historical academic programs. Now as a 1st Generation, child of Mexican immigrants I was expected to attend a college in the city notorious for large classes and a standard picturebook college. When I first heard of appalachian I was in awe because it was everything I was not told about. The teenager in me had to investigate more, and the more I read about the university the more I fell in love. If I were to be accepted I would permanently reside in their campus, which would put me out of my comfort zone being that I’ve been in Cary my whole life and was born in New
I am interested in Central Connecticut State University because it offers a solid Engineering program. Central has a beautiful campus and both my Father and Mother attended Central Connecticut State University. CCSU has a small campus with a relatively small student body. I value the oppurtunity to have a more personal relationship with my
Cypress College ranked #1 community college in California. There must be reasons of this brilliant result. Cypress College provides a great variety of useful services for students’ success. Health Center services support its students to achieve better results. One’s overall health is very closely related with achieving one’s goal. The Health Center services in Cypress College are very helpful to achieve students’ goals because they provide physical and psychological services, and most are free for all students who are enrolled in Cypress College.
I also decided to go to Delta College because it was the best fit for me. I think it is a great school that has a lot to offer. I really enjoy how I have been able to do a lot of my prerequisites online, which helps out a lot with having a 1 1/2 year old at home. Good luck with your degree in Criminal
I would be an excellent fit for Appalachian State University and am eager to both embark on this new path of life and better myself as a person. I am determined to fulfill my potential and am certain that enrolling in Appalachian State would help me do so. Appalachian State provides numerous educational opportunities for its students and I would be ecstatic to be those students. I wish to pursue a career in physics and Appalachian's well-trained teachers, research-based learning, and educational rigor rigorous would give me an advantage when pursuing a job and following my passion. Appalachian State University is an outstanding school and I would love to be a part of
Kansas City Community College is a two year public community college which primarily caters to Wyandotte and Leavenworth counties. Located in a university cluster, the student environment in and around the area is vibrant and youthful. There are a number of attractions near the university worth visiting when in the area. For instance, visitors can head to the Buffalo Soldier Memorial Park which a dedication to the military men who served for the nation. Enjoy the beautiful statues of the soldiers and explore the museum. Visitors can also spend some time shopping at the Leavenworth Antique Mall or explore the university itself. Stay in this energetic neighbourhood and check out the hotels and vacation rentals near Kansas City Community College.
Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) receives about $40 million annually as a state run community college in Maryland although most community colleges are financed and run by local governments (Cox, E, 2017; Richman, T & Bowie, L, 2017). BCCC has been under fire for several years because of its graduation rates and accreditation problems (Richman, T & Bowie, L, 2017). In addition, the General Assembly legislated that BCCC realign the college to better serve the citizen of Baltimore city and its students. BCCC responded to that mandate by joining Achieving the Dream (ATD), a network of 220 community colleges around the nation to help improve student outcomes through leadership training and data analysis (Richman, T & Bowie, L,
Northern Arizona University, founded in 1899, is a public university located in Flagstaff, Arizona. NAU has 36 campuses in the state of Arizona. Over 7,000 students live on the Flagstaff campus, while living on campus people will say it is most convenient. On campus your surroundings are very familiar and near by. Like most would guess, living on campus you are open to tons of opportunities and have a lot more of the university experience you'd be missing out on if you were to live off campus.
Community colleges, along with the many other schools in our society, were designed as factories to train workers (Ackoff & Greenberg, 2008). With a focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic, individuals gained skills needed to complete robotic instructions, but unfortunately, not problem-solving. This concept is still present in many of our schooling systems today including Your State Community College (YSCC). Founded in 1968, YSCC serves about 6,000 students preparing them for jobs in both academic and trade careers. Unfortunately, many of the students who enter the school need remedial courses and enrollment in these courses cause a crippling effect on the success rate of each individual student. Similar
Southern University A&M College welcomed Dr. J.S. Clark as the new African American leader and president in 1914 after the big move. As Dr. Clark as president, he made numerous improvements on campus and off campus. He established a Junior College, teacher-training curriculum, Agricultural Extension Program, a summer normal school, six brick buildings for instructional activities, five brick dormitories, and eleven wooden structures for the faculties. Before his retirement came, he funded money from the government to build a library, a football stadium, an administration building, a gymnasium, and additional dormitories. During this time period, Felton G. Clark, J.S. Clark only son, was one of Southern’s most promising
There is a State University video and it seems cool. It offers a lot of majors and the school is nearby the house. One time he visited the school and has a tour with his parents. There is one tour guide that assist them to the whole University and it seems that he doesn’t know what he’s doing and they wasn’t able to complete the tour. And when they go to the gigantic lecture hall the lights are off and the tour guide can’t find the switch to turn the