
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Essay

Good Essays

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

People now a days have a problem with the way they appear. For hundreds of years, people, especially females, have been concerned with their weight, the way they look, and the way people perceive them. In the article, Do You Have a Body Image Problem? author Dr. Katharine A. Phillips discusses the concerns with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Dr. Phillips uses her knowledge or ethics to discuss the effects that BDD has on people today. She also uses emotion to show the reader how people are seriously affected by this disorder. In Dr. Phillips article, she discusses how people are emotionally and socially affected by the body dysmorphic disorder, and how society is also affected by it. …show more content…

Five million is way too many people that are overly concerned with their weight and their appearance. People with BDD may sit in front of mirror for hours before they feel confident enough to leave their house. BDD makes people lose their social relationships since they do not feel confident enough to approach people.

The article Do You Have a Body Image Problem? was found on the Internet. The web page that contained Dr. Phillips information seemed to have good ethos. This web site had a good ethical appeal because of Dr. Phillips title as a doctor. This web site was sponsored by, which is a reliable website and also plays a role in the ethical appeal. Who would know better about an image problem and an eating disorder than a female? A doctor also writes the article, which is a reliable source. In my eyes, a doctor would know more about a medical condition than any other profession. Not only does this article and web page use ethos, it also uses pathos. Pathos is a rhetorical technique that uses social and emotional appeals to get the author’s purpose across. The first thing that you see when the web page comes up is a picture of a cover of a book. On the cover is a picture of somebody, assuming a female, covering her face with her hands. The title of the book The Broken Mirror gives the reader the impression that this person on the cover hates

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