
Body Image Papers

Decent Essays

Zoeii, was having the ultimate perfect day; she even walked into the American Eagle store and noticed the jeans she recently saw a few days ago were now on sale for only $19.99. Immediately she reaches for her size and thinks, this day could not get any better. She goes into the fitting room and tries on the 2 tone tie dye jeans; she squeezes and jumps and wiggles all over, even falling, hitting her head, finally coming to grip she is no longer a size 9. How could this be? When did this pouch belly and thunder thighs come about? This could not be her body she thought as she stared at her reflection in the tall, fitting room mirror. Our body image is fundamental to our sense of who we are. We are not born with a body image, but we do start painting an image in our heads from the time that we are adolescents. How we portray ourselves, can make us or break you. Author of enhancing your body image, Rebecca Donatelle, amplifies how media outlets, celebrities and the current era affect our ideas of what human being should look and how our idealistic body image are scrutinized. Donatelle, informs us of the 66 percent of Americans men and women whom suffer from obesity. Our Friends, family and social media, play a vital role in contrast to how your image is viewed, …show more content…

Even in the mist of my demise, I am hoping to keep seeing the generations continue to embrace one another. But, I am also hoping, the media outlet does not make the idea unhealthy but makes it an empowering movement where, you can be plus size and fit,

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